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Doppler lidar studies of heat island effects on vertical mixing of aerosols during SAMUM-2

2017, Engelmann, Ronny, Ansmann, Albert, Horn, Stefan, Seifert, Patric, Althausen, Dietrich, Tesche, Matthias, Esselborn, Michael, Fruntke, Julia, Lieke, Kirsten, Freudenthaler, Volker, Gross, Silke

A wind Doppler lidar was deployed next to three aerosol lidars during the SAMUM–2 campaign on the main island of Cape Verde. The effects of the differential heating of the island and the surrounding ocean and the orographic impact of the capital island Santiago and the small island on its luv side, Maio, are investigated. Horizontal and vertical winds were measured in the disturbed maritime boundary layer and compared to local radiosoundings. Lidar measurements from the research aircraft Falcon and a 3-D Large Eddy Simulation (LES) model were used in addition to study the heating effects on the scale of the islands. Indications are found that these effects can widely control the downward mixing from greater heights to the surface of African aerosols, mainly Saharan dust and biomass-burning smoke, which were detected in a complex layering over the Cape Verde region.

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Regional modelling of Saharan dust and biomass-burning smoke, Part 2: Direct radiative forcing and atmospheric dynamic response

2017, Heinold, Bernd, Tegen, Ina, Bauer, Stefan, Wendisch, Manfred

The direct radiative forcing and dynamic atmospheric response due to Saharan dust and biomass-burning aerosol particles are presented for a case study during the SAMUM-2 field campaign in January and February 2008. The regional model system COSMO-MUSCAT is used. It allows online interaction of the computed dust and smoke load with the solar and terrestrial radiation and with the model dynamics. Model results of upward solar irradiances are evaluated against airborne radiation measurements in the Cape Verde region. The comparison shows a good agreement for the case of dust and smoke mixture. Dust and smoke particles influence the atmospheric dynamics by changing the radiative heating rates. The related pressure perturbations modify local and synoptic scale air-flow patterns. In the radiative feedback simulations, the Hadley circulation is enhanced and convergence zones occur along the Guinea coast. Thus, the smoke particles spread more than 5◦ further north and the equatorward transport is reduced. Within the convergence zones, Saharan dust and biomass-burning material are more effectively advected towards the Cape Verdes. Given the model uncertainties, the agreement between the modelled and observed aerosol distribution is locally improved when aerosol–radiation interaction is considered.