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Item Wie gestalten wir die Zukunft?

2023, Benz, Martina, Kirchner, Andreas, Mikautsch, Emilia, Strauß, Helene

Das Poster " Wie gestalten wir die Zukunft?" wurde im Rahmen des BMBF-geförderten Projekts open.access-network erstellt und für die Open-Access-Tage 2023 angenommen. Das Poster skizziert den Weg zur Verstetigung des Kompetenz- und Vernetzungsportals Mit Blick auf das Ziel eines Community-basierten Organisations- und Finanzierungsmodells, wird aktiv zur Interaktion mit dem Poster sowie zur Ideen- und Meinungsäußerung zur Verstetigung eingeladen.

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Umsetzung des KDSF-Datenmodells in VIVO

2017, Walther, Tatiana, Hauschke, Christian

Im Rahmen des Projekts „Umsetzung Kerndatensatz Forschung in VIVO“ wird am Open Science Lab der Technischen Informationsbibliothek Hannover (TIB) der Versuch unternommen, den Kerndatensatz Forschung in das Forschungsinformationssystem VIVO zu integrieren. Entwurf KDSF-VIVO-Alignment und KDSF-VIVO-Extension:

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ORCID Deutschland Konsortium

2016, Dreyer, Britta

Presentation at the 1. ORCID DE Outreach Workshop. Potsdam, Germany, October 25, 2016.

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B!SON - an open tool to help researchers find suitable Open Access journals for their work

2023, Eppelin, Anita

The poster presents key facts on B!SON, an open recommendation service for Open Access journals. There is a whole range of web-based services designed to help researchers find a suitable journal for their findings. Few of them, however, are inherently oriented towards the needs and interests of the research community: they are often provided by commercial actors, only include journals of one single (major) publisher, the procedures for the recommendations are not transparent, the source code is not publicly available, their sustainability is unclear or they are merely aggregated journal lists with advanced filter functions. B!SON has set out to do things differently: It is a tool developed and provided by two major German academic libraries - TIB (Technische Informationsbibliothek) and SLUB (Saxonian State and University Library Dresden). It includes only genuine Open Access journals, uses only community-based, open data sources from DOAJ and OpenCitations, discloses its recommendation algorithm based on semantic and bibliometric methods, handles user data sensitively and has been designed with sustainability in mind. B!SON's simple user interface with input fields for a manuscript's title, abstract and references provides users with a list of DOAJ-listed journals in which similar research has been published. A similarity score is provided for each journal listed, along with the underlying articles where similarity was found, to make the recommendation verifiable.

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Quo vadis, VIVO? Stand und Entwicklung

2017, Hauschke, Christian

Vortrag mit den Highlights der VIVO-Conference 2017, einem Überblick über VIVO 1.10 und einem Ausblick auf die VIVO-Aktivitäten der TIB.

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Do researchers need to care about PID systems?

2018, Kraft, Angelina, Dreyer, Britta

A survey across 1400 scientists in the natural sciences and engineering across Germany conducted in 2016 revealed that although more than 70 % of the researchers are using DOIs for journal publications, less than 10% use DOIs for research data. To the question of why they are not using DOIs more than half (56%) answered that they don’t know about the option to use DOIs for other publications (datasets, conference papers etc.) Therefore it is not surprising that the majority (57 %) stated that they had no need for DOI counselling services. 40% of the questioned researchers need more information and almost 30% cannot see a benefit. Publishers have been using PID systems for articles for years, and the DOI registration and citation are a natural part of the standard publication workflow. With the new digital age, the possibilities to publishing digital research objects beyond articles are bigger than ever – but the respective infrastructure providers are still struggling to provide integrated PID services. Infrastructure providers need to learn from publishers and offer integrated PID services, complementing existing workflows, using researcher’s vocabulary to support usability and promotion. Sell the benefit and enable researchers to focus on what they are best at: Do research (and not worry about the rest)!

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Open Library Badge. Ein Anreizsystem für mehr Offenheit in Bibliotheken

2016, Heller, Lambert, Langhanke, Gerald, Lohmeier, Felix, Katzer, Anton, Stöhr, Matti, Voigt, Michaela

[no abstract available]

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Open-Access-Publikationsfonds der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft – Zentraler Fonds für eine dezentrale Forschungsorganisation

2016, Tullney, Marco, Eppelin, Anita

[no abstract available]

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Das FOSTER Open Science Training Handbuch

2018, Brinken, Helene, Hellert, Lambert

Das Open Science Training Handbuch wurde im Februar 2018 während eines Book Sprints entwickelt und geschrieben. Das Handbuch richtet sich an Personen, die selbst Trainings und Workshops zum Thema Open Science organisieren möchten. Die TIB Hannover und das EU-geförderte Projekt FOSTER Plus brachten 14 Open Science ExpertInnen aus zehn Ländern zusammen, um eine OER zu erstellen, die die Open Science Trainer-Community unterstützt. Während des fünftägigen Workshops diskutierten und sammelten die AutorInnen ihre Erfahrungen und verfassten kollaborativ ein praxisnahes Buch mit über 200 Seiten. Die OER ist unter der Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication (CC0 1.0 Universal) lizenziert und ermöglicht damit eine uneingeschränkte Nachnutzung. Das Buch ist unter als Gitbook verfügbar, und wird fortlaufend kommentiert, ergänzt und aktualisiert.

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A PDF Test-Set for Well-Formedness Validation in JHOVE - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

2017, Lindlar, Michelle, Tunnat, Yvonne, Wilson, Carl

Digital preservation and active software stewardship are both cyclical processes. While digital preservation strategies have to be reevaluated regularly to ensure that they still meet technological and organizational requirements, software needs to be tested with every new release to ensure that it functions correctly. JHOVE is an open source format validation tool which plays a central role in many digital preservation workflows and the PDF module is one of its most important features. Unlike tools such as Adobe PreFlight or veraPDF which check against requirements at profile level, JHOVE’s PDF-module is the only tool that can validate the syntax and structure of PDF files. Despite JHOVE’s widespread and long-standing adoption, the underlying validation rules are not formally or thoroughly tested, leading to bugs going undetected for a long time. Furthermore, there is no ground-truth data set which can be used to understand and test PDF validation at the structural level. The authors present a corpus of light-weight files designed to test the validation criteria of JHOVE’s PDF module against “well-formedness”. We conclude by measuring the code coverage of the test corpus within JHOVE PDF validation and by feeding detected inconsistencies of the PDF-module back into the open source development process.