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Roadmap to FAIR Research Information in Open Infrastructures

2021, Hauschke, Christian, Nazarovets, Serhii, Altemeier, Franziska, Kaliuzhna, Nataliia

The FAIR Principles were designed to improve the findability, accessibility, interoperability and reusability of data holdings by humans and machines. The principles can be applied to research information too. We present the results of the discussions that took place during the series of online workshops with experts on Research Information and FAIR Guiding Principles. We provide high-level criteria on how to foster findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable, and we hope that our roadmap for FAIR research information in open infrastructures bring many benefits to a diverse group of stakeholders of the scientific ecosystem.

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From face to face: the contribution of facial mimicry to cognitive and emotional empathy

2019, Drimalla, Hanna, Landwehr, Niels, Hess, Ursula, Dziobek, Isabel

Despite advances in the conceptualisation of facial mimicry, its role in the processing of social information is a matter of debate. In the present study, we investigated the relationship between mimicry and cognitive and emotional empathy. To assess mimicry, facial electromyography was recorded for 70 participants while they completed the Multifaceted Empathy Test, which presents complex context-embedded emotional expressions. As predicted, inter-individual differences in emotional and cognitive empathy were associated with the level of facial mimicry. For positive emotions, the intensity of the mimicry response scaled with the level of state emotional empathy. Mimicry was stronger for the emotional empathy task compared to the cognitive empathy task. The specific empathy condition could be successfully detected from facial muscle activity at the level of single individuals using machine learning techniques. These results support the view that mimicry occurs depending on the social context as a tool to affiliate and it is involved in cognitive as well as emotional empathy.