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    Wavefunction of polariton condensates in a tunable acoustic lattice
    (Bristol : IOP, 2012) Cerda-Méndez, E.A.; Krizhanovskii, D.N.; Biermann, K.; Hey, R.; Skolnick, M.S.; Santos, P.V.
    We study the spatial coherence of polariton condensates subjected to coherent modulation by a one-dimensional tunable acoustic potential.We use an interferometric technique to measure the amplitude and phase of the macroscopic condensate wavefunction. By increasing the acoustic modulation amplitude, we track the transition from the extended wavefunction of the unperturbed condensate to a regime where the wavefunction is spatially modulated and then to a fully confined regime, where independent condensates form at the minima of the potential with negligible particle tunneling between adjacent sites.
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    Photon transport in one-dimensional systems coupled to three-level quantum impurities
    (Bristol : IOP, 2013) Martens, C.; Longo, P.; Busch, K.
    We discuss the transport properties of a single photon in a one-dimensional waveguide with an embedded three-level atom and utilize both stationary plane-wave solutions and time-dependent transport calculations to investigate the interaction of a photon with driven and undriven V- and Λ-systems. Specifically, for the case of an undriven V-system, we analyze the phenomenon of long-time occupation of the upper atomic levels in conjunction with almost dark states. For the undriven Λ-system, we find non-stationary dark states and we explain how the photon's transmittance can be controlled by an initial phase difference between the energetically lower-lying atomic states. With regard to the driven three-level systems, we discuss electromagnetically induced transparency in terms of the pulse propagation of a single photon through a Λ-type atom. In addition, we demonstrate how a driven V-type atom can be utilized to control the momentum distribution of the scattered photon.