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Diffraction at GaAs/Fe3Si core/shell nanowires: The formation of nanofacets

2016, Jenichen, B., Hanke, M., Hilse, M., Herfort, J., Trampert, A., Erwin, S.C.

GaAs/Fe3Si core/shell nanowire structures were fabricated by molecular-beam epitaxy on oxidized Si(111) substrates and investigated by synchrotron x-ray diffraction. The surfaces of the Fe3Si shells exhibit nanofacets. These facets consist of well pronounced Fe3Si{111} planes. Density functional theory reveals that the Si-terminated Fe3Si{111} surface has the lowest energy in agreement with the experimental findings. We can analyze the x-ray diffuse scattering and diffraction of the ensemble of nanowires avoiding the signal of the substrate and poly-crystalline films located between the wires. Fe3Si nanofacets cause streaks in the x-ray reciprocal space map rotated by an azimuthal angle of 30° compared with those of bare GaAs nanowires. In the corresponding TEM micrograph the facets are revealed only if the incident electron beam is oriented along [1 1 ̄ 0] in accordance with the x-ray results. Additional maxima in the x-ray scans indicate the onset of chemical reactions between Fe3Si shells and GaAs cores occurring at increased growth temperatures.

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Sensor placement technique using BaTiO3/epoxy resin piezoelectric composite sensors based on differential imaging method for damage detection in structural health monitoring

2016, Taltavull Cazcarra, Adrià, Bareiro Ferreira, Oscar, Sridaran Venkat, Ramanan, Adam, Jens, Boller, Christian

Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is an emerging technology in many engineering disciplines that aims at designing systems being able to continuously monitor ageing of structures throughout their life span. Damage monitoring using guided waves (GWs) is one promising approach in that regard. Principally a network of integrated piezoelectric transducer patches (actuators and sensors) on a structure generates GWs, where the GWs propagate through the structure and relative information about the damage is finally obtained. Based on damage mechanics principles and damage tolerance criteria, the structure’s remaining useful life is then be determined from the data recorded by the transducers and the need for structural maintenance actions can finally be derived accordingly. The detectability of the growing structural damage is highly dependent on the placement of actuators and sensors. This therefore requires an optimum placement of those transducers to be found, which is obtained through simulation. This need for simulation becomes specifically relevant when structures are large and complex. A new approach presented within the paper proposed has therefore been developed, which is based on differential imaging/signals, where the differential is determined from the difference of the wave patterns between an undamaged and a damaged condition. The resulting topology of the differential signal is considered to define the shape/pattern of the respective piezoelectric transducers, which will be placed on the structural component considered using a defined coating process. The coating and monitoring process applied using a BaTiO3/epoxy resin will be demonstrated on a thin aluminium test coupon with three holes where a crack of tolerable length has originated from one of the holes due to fatigue loading and the coated piezoelectric composite transducer pattern for monitoring the crack has been defined from the output of guided wave FEM simulations.

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Dynamic characterization of cellulose nanofibrils in sheared and extended semi-dilute dispersions

2018, Rosén, Tomas, Mittal, Nitesh, Roth, Staphan V., Zhang, Peng, Söderber, Daniel, Lundell, Frederik

New materials made through controlled assembly of dispersed cellulose nanofibrils (CNF) has the potential to develop into biobased competitors to some of the highest performing materials today. The erformance of these new cellulose materials depends on how easily CNF alignment can be controlled with hydrodynamic forces, which are always in competition with a different process driving the system towards isotropy, called rotary diffusion. In this work, we present a flow-stop experiment using polarized optical microscopy (POM) to study the rotary diffusion of CNF dispersions in process relevant flows and concentrations. This is combined with small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) experiments to analyze the true orientation distribution function (ODF) of the flowing fibrils. It is found that the rotary diffusion process of CNF occurs at multiple time scales, where the fastest scale seems to be dependent on the deformation history of the dispersion before the stop. At the same time, the hypothesis that rotary diffusion is dependent on the initial ODF does not hold as the same distribution can result in different diffusion time scales. The rotary diffusion is found to be faster in flows dominated by shear compared to pure extensional flows. Furthermore, the experimental setup can be used to quickly characterize the dynamic properties of flowing CNF and thus aid in determining the quality of the dispersion and its usability in material processes.

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Development of the fabrication process and characterization of piezoelectric BaTiO3/epoxy composite used for coated ultrasonic transducer patterns in structural health monitoring

2016, Bareiro Ferreira, Oscar, Sridaran Venkat, Ramanan, Adam, Jens, Boller, Christian

Structural health monitoring (SHM) is based on integrating and/or adapting a sensor system into a structure such that a tolerable damage to occur can be monitored. This requires a network of transducers specifically when this SHM approach is considered as a monitoring system such as based on guided waves. A desirable solution would be to get a transducer network simply ‘printed’ on the structure considered once the network has been designed such as through a simulation approach. In the paper proposed the fabrication process and characterization of a piezoelectric composite to be used as an ultrasonic transducer for damage sensing of structures based on SHM using guided waves is first considered. The composite consists of piezoelectric BaTiO3 particles homogenously distributed in an epoxy resin matrix. A paste with a solid volume fraction of up to 50 vol% was prepared by the direct mechanical mixing of the piezoelectric particles in the epoxy matrix. Due to the ferroelectric properties of BaTiO3 the polarization of the composite is required with a high electric field prior to use. Two electrodes placed on both sides of the samples are required to measure the dielectric and electromechanical properties of the composite in the form of a thick film. The influence of the volume fraction of BaTiO3 on the dialectic properties and piezoelectric transversal constant (d33) of the piezoelectric composite will be shown. Beyond this more materials processing related work performance of those transducers will be demonstrated. This will be done in terms of getting those coated as a transducer pattern/network on a hosting structure after having had the transducer network determined through simulation. Validation of the approach will be done by looking at the transducer network’s performance in terms of detecting guided acoustic waves.