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    Final report “Novel n-Doping Approaches for Organic Semiconductors”
    (Hannover : Technische Informationsbibliothek, 2024) Leo, Karl; Schneeweis, Arno; Marcus, Papmeyer; Dorok, Sascha
    Finding promising n-dopants for (organic photovoltaic) OPV is an important field in the organic semiconductor manufacturing. In this report, we show a straightforward synthetic strategy for the preparation of diaza-s-indacenes which show very promising characteristics for n-doping. The synthetic route includes simple procedures, few steps, cheap materials and high yields, thus fulfilling all prerequisites for an up-scaling process. Two compounds of this family with promise for commercialisation were presented in this report. One shows a convincing HOMO energy level together with very good conductivity behavior. Additionally, its sublimation temperature is in line with requirement for an OPV n-dopant. In collaboration with Heliatek we assessed whether these compounds can be used in industrial OPV stacks.