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    A Rigorous Statistical Assessment of Recent Trends in Intensity of Heavy Precipitation Over Germany
    (Lausanne : Frontiers Media, 2019) Passow, Christian; Donner, Reik V.
    Comprehensive and robust statistical estimates of trends during heavy precipitation events are essential in understanding the impact of past and future climate changes in the hydrological cycle. However, methods commonly used in extreme value statistics (EVS) are often unable to detect significant trends, because of their methodologically motivated reduction of the sample size and strong assumptions regarding the underlying distribution. Here, we propose linear quantile regression (QR) as a complementary and robust alternative to estimating trends in heavy precipitation events. QR does not require any assumptions on the underlying distribution and is also able to estimate trends for the full span of the distribution without any reduction of the available data. As an example, we study here a very dense and homogenized data set of daily precipitation amounts over Germany for the period between 1951 and 2006 to compare the results of QR and the so-called block maxima approach, a classical method in EVS. Both methods indicate an overall increase in the intensity of heavy precipitation events. The strongest trends can be found in regions with an elevation of about 500 m above sea level. In turn, larger spatial clusters of moderate or even decreasing trends can only be found in Northeastern Germany. In conclusion, both methods show comparable results. QR, however, allows for a more flexible and comprehensive study of precipitation events. © Copyright © 2019 Passow and Donner.
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    Climate mobilities, rights and justice: Complexities and particularities
    (Lausanne : Frontiers Media, 2022) Farbotko, Carol; Thornton, Fanny; Mayrhofer, Monika; Hermann, Elfriede
    Climate mobility revolves around issues of justice and human rights, whether this be concerning its causes, expression or handling. This paper examines the justice-rights nexus as it relates to climate mobility, highlighting how the two spheres converge and diverge. It works with four case studies exploring the complexity of rights and justice in the climate mobility context. Our case studies are diverse, in terms of the mobility types concerned and the rights and justice-based issues involved. We show that conceptualizing or achieving just or righteous outcomes is neither certain nor a uniform pursuit when it comes to climate mobility. Rather, there are many divergences–by those who claim rights or justice, and those asked to respond. We present a complex and contested space, highlight the importance of approaching justice and rights matters contextually, and with special attention to particularities when climate mobility is at issue.
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    The future is now: Climate displacement and human rights obligations—a note on recent developments in the UN Human Rights Committee
    (Lausanne : Frontiers Media, 2022) Thornton, Fanny
    Although climate litigation—or the pursuit of legal resolve of matters stemming from anthropogenic climate change—has been growing around the world, climate mobility is seldom at the heart of relevant case law. It is human rights law bodies, in particular, which have nevertheless begun to progress legal developments in the sphere of climate mobility. This note looks at a 2022 determination by the UN Human Rights Committee concerning the habitability of a small island setting—Australia's Torres Strait Islands—under climate change conditions and the legal responsibilities of nation states to abide by their international human rights obligations in implementing timely adaptation measures now which could help to ensure continued habitation.
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    Physics in the mesosphere/lower thermosphere: A personal perspective
    (Lausanne : Frontiers Media, 2022) Lübken, Franz-Josef
    The scope of this paper is to present some progress being made in the last few decades regarding some aspects of physical processes in the mesosphere/lower thermosphere and to point to some open questions. This summary is presented from a personal perspective, i.e., this is not a review of a certain science topic. Most citations reflect my own work or are representative examples only. They are not meant to be complete or comprehensive.