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    Insights into surface modification and erosion of multi-element arc cathodes using a novel multilayer cathode design
    (Melville, NY : American Inst. of Physics, 2020) Golizadeh, Mehran; Anders, AndrĂ©; Martin, Francisca Mendez; KolozsvĂ¡ri, Szilard; Franz, Robert
    Nowadays, multi-element cathodes are frequently employed to grow multi-element thin films and coatings using cathodic arc deposition processes. During cathode erosion, the cathode spot sequentially ignites on the cathode surface and imposes melting-solidification cycles that lead to material intermixing and the formation of a modified layer on the cathode surface. To allow us to study these surface modifications, a 10 µm thick Mo/Al multilayer coating was sputter-deposited onto a standard Ti arc cathode. This cathode was eroded by a dc steered arc discharge for a short duration enabling the observation of single craters formed by type 1 and 2 cathode spots. Furthermore, separated clusters of overlapping craters and a fully eroded surface caused by different stages of erosion were differentiated when scanning the erosion track in the lateral direction. Cross sections of single craters were prepared by focused ion beam techniques while metallographic methods were applied to obtain cross sections of overlapping craters and the modified layer. The layers of the multilayer coating acted as trace markers providing new insights into the material intermixing within craters, the material displacements during crater formation, the plasma pressure acting on the craters, and the temperature gradient (heat-affected zone) below the craters. The observations are discussed within the framework of established arc crater formation models. © 2020 Author(s).
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    Magnetic field and angle-dependent photoluminescence of a fiber-coupled nitrogen vacancy rich diamond
    (Melville, NY : American Inst. of Physics, 2021) Wunderlich, Ralf; Staacke, Robert; Knolle, Wolfgang; Abel, Bernd; Meijer, Jan
    Here, we investigate the magnetic field dependent photoluminescence (PL) of a fiber-coupled diamond single crystal with a high density of nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers. Angle-dependent magnetic field sweep measurements between 0 and 111 mT were performed using an oscillating illumination combined with lock-in techniques. Besides the expected superposed PL of differently oriented NV centers, a zoo of features in the PL are found. These features can be associated with level anti-crossings and cross relaxations. In particular, PL measurements allowed us to detect auto-cross relaxation between coupled NV centers. Moreover, the PL measurements at low magnetic fields show dips suggesting an interaction of NV centers with additional spin defects. The results presented here are not only a study for NV-based fiber-coupled sensors made of diamond, but also show a way to investigate with manageable effort and purely an optical multispin interaction with at least one NV center as a constituent.
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    Influence of wavelength and accumulated fluence at picosecond laser-induced surface roughening of copper on secondary electron yield
    (Melville, NY : American Inst. of Physics, 2023) Bez, Elena; Himmerlich, Marcel; Lorenz, Pierre; Ehrhardt, Martin; Gunn, Aidan Graham; Pfeiffer, Stephan; Rimoldi, Martino; Taborelli, Mauro; Zimmer, Klaus; Chiggiato, Paolo; Anders, André
    Ultrashort-pulse laser processing of copper is performed in air to reduce the secondary electron yield (SEY). By UV (355 nm), green (532 nm), and IR (1064 nm) laser-light induced surface modification, this study investigates the influence of the most relevant experimental parameters, such as laser power, scanning speed, and scanning line distance (represented as accumulated fluence) on the ablation depth, surface oxidation, topography, and ultimately on the SEY. Increasing the accumulated laser fluence results in a gradual change from a Cu 2 O to a CuO-dominated surface with deeper micrometer trenches, higher density of redeposited surface particles from the plasma phase, and a reduced SEY. While the surface modifications are less pronounced for IR radiation at low accumulated fluence (,1000 J/cm2 ), analogous results are obtained for all wavelengths when reaching the nonlinear absorption regime, for which the SEY maximum converges to 0.7. Furthermore, independent of the extent of the structural transformations, an electron-induced surface conditioning at 250 eV allows a reduction of the SEY maximum below unity at doses of 5Ă—10 -4 C/mm2 . Consequently, optimization of processing parameters for application in particle accelerators can be obtained for a sufficiently low SEY at controlled ablation depth and surface particle density, which are factors that limit the surface impedance and the applicability of the material processing for ultrahigh vacuum systems. The relations between pro- cessing parameters and surface features will provide guidance in treating the surface of vacuum components, especially beam screens of selected magnets of the Large Hadron Collider or of future colliders.
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    Robust nuclear hyperpolarization driven by strongly coupled nitrogen vacancy centers
    (Melville, NY : American Inst. of Physics, 2021) Wunderlich, Ralf; Staacke, Robert; Knolle, Wolfgang; Abel, Bernd; Haase, JĂ¼rgen; Meijer, Jan
    Nuclear magnetic resonance techniques are widely used in the natural sciences but they lack sensitivity. Therefore, large sample volumes or long measurement times are necessary. In this work, we investigate the polarization of bulk 13C nuclei in a diamond above the thermal equilibrium at room temperature. Previously studied mechanisms utilize direct coupling to nitrogen vacancy centers or the additional assistance of substitutional nitrogen impurities for this purpose. We exploit strongly coupled nitrogen vacancy centers as polarization sources. We study two approaches to transfer the optically induced polarization of the electron spins of the nitrogen vacancy centers to nearby nuclear spins. First, the electron-nuclear polarization transfer is achieved by energy matching conditions or, second, by magnetic field sweeps inducing Landau–Zener-like transitions. Simulations according to a quantum mechanical system consisting of two coupled nitrogen vacancy centers and a weakly coupled 13C spin show an excellent agreement with the experimental data. Both approaches allow a reduction of the measurement time by roughly three orders of magnitude.
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    Vectorial calibration of superconducting magnets with a quantum magnetic sensor
    (Melville, NY : American Inst. of Physics, 2020) Botsch, L.; Raatz, N.; Pezzagna, S.; Staacke, R.; John, R.; Abel, B.; Esquinazi, P. D.; Meijer, J.; Diziain, S.
    Cryogenic vector magnet systems make it possible to study the anisotropic magnetic properties of materials without mechanically rotating the sample but by electrically tilting and turning the magnetic field. Vector magnetic fields generated inside superconducting vector magnets are generally measured with three Hall sensors. These three probes must be calibrated over a range of temperatures, and the temperature-dependent calibrations cannot be easily carried out inside an already magnetized superconducting magnet because of remaining magnetic fields. A single magnetometer based on an ensemble of nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers in diamond is proposed to overcome these limitations. The quenching of the photoluminescence intensity emitted by NV centers can determine the field in the remanent state of the solenoids and allows an easy and fast canceling of the residual magnetic field. Once the field is reset to zero, the calibration of this magnetometer can be performed in situ by a single measurement of an optically detected magnetic resonance spectrum. Thereby, these magnetometers do not require any additional temperature-dependent calibrations outside the magnet and offer the possibility to measure vector magnetic fields in three dimensions with a single sensor. Its axial alignment is given by the crystal structure of the diamond host, which increases the accuracy of the field orientation measured with this sensor, compared to the classical arrangement of three Hall sensors. It is foreseeable that the magnetometer described here has the potential to be applied in various fields in the future, such as the characterization of ferromagnetic core solenoids or other magnetic arrangements. © 2020 Author(s).