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    Melt Electrowriting of Graded Porous Scaffolds to Mimic the Matrix Structure of the Human Trabecular Meshwork
    (Washington, DC : ACS Publ., 2022) Włodarczyk-Biegun, Małgorzata K.; Villiou, Maria; Koch, Marcus; Muth, Christina; Wang, Peixi; Ott, Jenna; del Campo, Aranzazu
    The permeability of the human trabecular meshwork (HTM) regulates eye pressure via a porosity gradient across its thickness modulated by stacked layers of matrix fibrils and cells. Changes in HTM porosity are associated with increases in intraocular pressure and the progress of diseases such as glaucoma. Engineered HTMs could help to understand the structure-function relation in natural tissues and lead to new regenerative solutions. Here, melt electrowriting (MEW) is explored as a biofabrication technique to produce fibrillar, porous scaffolds that mimic the multilayer, gradient structure of native HTM. Poly(caprolactone) constructs with a height of 125-500 μm and fiber diameters of 10-12 μm are printed. Scaffolds with a tensile modulus between 5.6 and 13 MPa and a static compression modulus in the range of 6-360 kPa are obtained by varying the scaffold design, that is, the density and orientation of the fibers and number of stacked layers. Primary HTM cells attach to the scaffolds, proliferate, and form a confluent layer within 8-14 days, depending on the scaffold design. High cell viability and cell morphology close to that in the native tissue are observed. The present work demonstrates the utility of MEW for reconstructing complex morphological features of natural tissues.
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    Iron-Based Binary Catalytic System for the Valorization of CO2 into Biobased Cyclic Carbonates
    (Washington, DC : ACS Publ., 2016) Büttner, Hendrik; Grimmer, Christoph; Steinbauer, Johannes; Werner, Thomas
    The atom economic conversion of epoxidized vegetable oils and fatty acid derivatives with CO2 into cyclic carbonates permits the synthesis of novel oleo compounds from renewable resources as well as the valorization of CO2 as a C1-building block. Organic phosphorus salts proved to be selective catalysts for this reaction. In a widespread screening 11 inexpensive and nontoxic iron salts were evaluated as cocatalysts to enhance the reaction rate. In the presence of 0.25 mol % iron chloride the selectivity and conversion were significantly improved. The reaction parameters were optimized under solvent-free conditions, and the scope and limitation were evaluated for 9 epoxidized fatty acid esters and 4 epoxidized vegetable oils. The biobased carbonates were isolated in excellent yields up to 95% and can be considered to be based on 100% CO2 in respect to carbon. This binary catalyst system features high efficiency and plain simplicity while valorizing CO2 into cyclic carbonates based on renewable feedstocks.
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    Synthesis of Single Atom Based Heterogeneous Platinum Catalysts: High Selectivity and Activity for Hydrosilylation Reactions
    (Washington, DC : ACS Publ., 2017) Cui, Xinjiang; Junge, Kathrin; Dai, Xingchao; Kreyenschulte, Carsten; Pohl, Marga-Martina; Wohlrab, Sebastian; Shi, Feng; Brückner, Angelika; Beller, Matthias
    Catalytic hydrosilylation represents a straightforward and atom-efficient methodology for the creation of C-Si bonds. In general, the application of homogeneous platinum complexes prevails in industry and academia. Herein, we describe the first heterogeneous single atom catalysts (SACs), which are conveniently prepared by decorating alumina nanorods with platinum atoms. The resulting stable material efficiently catalyzes hydrosilylation of industrially relevant olefins with high TON (≈105). A variety of substrates is selectively hydrosilylated including compounds with sensitive reducible and other functional groups (N, B, F, Cl). The single atom based catalyst shows significantly higher activity compared to related Pt nanoparticles.
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    Degradation Behavior of Silk Nanoparticles - Enzyme Responsiveness
    (Washington, DC : ACS Publ., 2018) Wongpinyochit, Thidarat; Johnston, Blair F.; Seib, F. Philipp
    Silk nanoparticles are viewed as promising vectors for intracellular drug delivery as they can be taken up into cells by endocytosis and trafficked to lysosomes, where lysosomal enzymes and the low pH trigger payload release. However, the subsequent degradation of the silk nanoparticles themselves still requires study. Here, we report the responsiveness of native and PEGylated silk nanoparticles to degradation following exposure to proteolytic enzymes (protease XIV and α-chymotrypsin) and papain, a cysteine protease. Both native and PEGylated silk nanoparticles showed similar degradation behavior over a 20 day exposure period (degradation rate: protease XIV > papain ≫ α-chymotrypsin). Within 1 day, the silk nanoparticles were rapidly degraded by protease XIV, resulting in a ∼50% mass loss, an increase in particle size, and a reduction in the amorphous content of the silk secondary structure. By contrast, 10 days of papain treatment was necessary to observe any significant change in nanoparticle properties, and α-chymotrypsin treatment had no effect on silk nanoparticle characteristics over the 20-day study period. Silk nanoparticles were also exposed ex vivo to mammalian lysosomal enzyme preparations to mimic the complex lysosomal microenvironment. Preliminary results indicated a 45% reduction in the silk nanoparticle size over a 5-day exposure. Overall, the results demonstrate that silk nanoparticles undergo enzymatic degradation, but the extent and kinetics are enzyme-specific.
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    Toward Green Acylation of (Hetero)arenes: Palladium-Catalyzed Carbonylation of Olefins to Ketones
    (Washington, DC : ACS Publ., 2017) Liu, Jie; Wei, Zhihong; Jiao, Haijun; Jackstell, Ralf; Beller, Matthias
    Green Friedel-Crafts acylation reactions belong to the most desired transformations in organic chemistry. The resulting ketones constitute important intermediates, building blocks, and functional molecules in organic synthesis as well as for the chemical industry. Over the past 60 years, advances in this topic have focused on how to make this reaction more economically and environmentally friendly by using green acylating conditions, such as stoichiometric acylations and catalytic homogeneous and heterogeneous acylations. However, currently well-established methodologies for their synthesis either produce significant amounts of waste or proceed under harsh conditions, limiting applications. Here, we present a new protocol for the straightforward and selective introduction of acyl groups into (hetero)arenes without directing groups by using available olefins with inexpensive CO. In the presence of commercial palladium catalysts, inter- and intramolecular carbonylative C-H functionalizations take place with good regio- and chemoselectivity. Compared to classical Friedel-Crafts chemistry, this novel methodology proceeds under mild reaction conditions. The general applicability of this methodology is demonstrated by the direct carbonylation of industrial feedstocks (ethylene and diisobutene) as well as of natural products (eugenol and safrole). Furthermore, synthetic applications to drug molecules are showcased.
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    Growth of LiCoO2 Single Crystals by the TSFZ Method
    (Washington, DC : ACS Publ., 2018) Nakamura, Shigenobu; Maljuk, Andrey; Maruyama, Yuki; Nagao, Masanori; Watauchi, Satoshi; Hayashi, Takeshi; Anzai, Yutaka; Furukawa, Yasunori; Ling, Chris D.; Deng, Guochu; Avdeev, Maxim; Büchner, Bernd; Tanaka, Isao
    We have grown LiCoO2 single crystals by the traveling solvent floating zone (TSFZ) growth with Li-rich solvent, having observed the incongruent melting behavior of LiCoO2 between 1100 and 1300 °C. The optimum growth conditions in terms of atmosphere and solvent composition were determined to be Ar flow and an atomic ratio Li/Co 85:15, respectively. The crystals grown using a conventional-mirror-type furnace contained periodic inclusions of a Co-O phase due to the influence of Co-O phase segregation on the stability of the molten zone during growth. By using a tilted-mirror FZ furnace, inclusion-free LiCoO2 crystals of about 5 mm in diameter and 70 mm long were obtained at a tilting angle Î = 10°. The grown crystals were confirmed to be single-domain by neutron Laue diffraction. © 2018 American Chemical Society.
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    Highly Oxygenated Organic Molecules (HOM) from Gas-Phase Autoxidation Involving Peroxy Radicals: A Key Contributor to Atmospheric Aerosol
    (Washington, DC : ACS Publ., 2019) Bianchi, Federico; Kurtén, Theo; Riva, Matthieu; Mohr, Claudia; Rissanen, Matti P.; Roldin, Pontus; Berndt, Torsten; Crounse, John D.; Wennberg, Paul O.; Mentel, Thomas F.; Wildt, Jürgen; Junninen, Heikki; Jokinen, Tuija; Kulmala, Markku; Worsnop, Douglas R.; Thornton, Joel A.; Donahue, Neil; Kjaergaard, Henrik G.; Ehn, Mikael
    Highly oxygenated organic molecules (HOM) are formed in the atmosphere via autoxidation involving peroxy radicals arising from volatile organic compounds (VOC). HOM condense on pre-existing particles and can be involved in new particle formation. HOM thus contribute to the formation of secondary organic aerosol (SOA), a significant and ubiquitous component of atmospheric aerosol known to affect the Earth's radiation balance. HOM were discovered only very recently, but the interest in these compounds has grown rapidly. In this Review, we define HOM and describe the currently available techniques for their identification/quantification, followed by a summary of the current knowledge on their formation mechanisms and physicochemical properties. A main aim is to provide a common frame for the currently quite fragmented literature on HOM studies. Finally, we highlight the existing gaps in our understanding and suggest directions for future HOM research. © 2019 American Chemical Society.
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    Water Dynamics in the Hydration Shells of Biomolecules
    (Washington, DC : ACS Publ., 2017) Laage, Damien; Elsaesser, Thomas; Hynes, James T.
    The structure and function of biomolecules are strongly influenced by their hydration shells. Structural fluctuations and molecular excitations of hydrating water molecules cover a broad range in space and time, from individual water molecules to larger pools and from femtosecond to microsecond time scales. Recent progress in theory and molecular dynamics simulations as well as in ultrafast vibrational spectroscopy has led to new and detailed insight into fluctuations of water structure, elementary water motions, electric fields at hydrated biointerfaces, and processes of vibrational relaxation and energy dissipation. Here, we review recent advances in both theory and experiment, focusing on hydrated DNA, proteins, and phospholipids, and compare dynamics in the hydration shells to bulk water.
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    (Washington, DC : ACS Publ., 2015) Boltalina, Olga V.; Popov, Alexey A.; Kuvychko, Igor V.; Shustova, Natalia B.; Strauss, Steven H.
    New chemical derivatives that possess the greatest variety of addition patterns than any other class of fullerene derivatives represent an important addition to the existing classes of perfluorocarbons, that is, compounds that are composed only of the two types of atoms, carbon and fluorine. These include aromatic and aliphatic perfluorocarbons such as perfluorodecalin, perfluorononane, hexafluorobenzene, etc., which are important as fluorous solvents used in medicine. The propensity of perfluoroalkylfullerenes (PFAFs) to readily crystallize from organic solutions upon slow evaporation in open air provided a straightforward access to their molecular structures via X-ray crystallography. Another crucial aspect that ensures future success in the characterization of numerous PFAFs of higher fullerenes and endohedral metallofullerenes is the possibility to apply HPLC methodologies to the separation of product mixtures. PFAFs, especially those of C60 and C70, are unique fullerene derivatives in terms of the number of structurally characterized derivatives with different number of RF groups and different addition patterns.
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    Tropospheric aqueous-phase chemistry: kinetics, mechanisms, and its coupling to a changing gas phase
    (Washington, DC : ACS Publ., 2015) Herrmann, Hartmut; Schaefer, Thomas; Tilgner, Andreas; Styler, Sarah A.; Weller, Christian; Teich, Monique; Otto, Tobias
    [no abstract available]