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    High-speed dual color fluorescence lifetime endomicroscopy for highly-multiplexed pulmonary diagnostic applications and detection of labeled bacteria
    (Washington, DC : OSA, 2019) Pedretti, Ettore; Tanner, Michael G.; Choudhary, Tushar R.; Krstajic, Nikola; Megia-Fernandez, Alicia; Henderson, Robert K.; Bradley, Mark; Thomson, Robert R.; Girkin, John M.; Dhaliwal, Kevin; Dalgarno, Paul A.
    We present a dual-color laser scanning endomicroscope capable of fluorescence lifetime endomicroscopy at one frame per second (FPS). The scanning system uses a coherent imaging fiber with 30,000 cores. High-speed lifetime imaging is achieved by distributing the signal over an array of 1024 parallel single-photon avalanche diode detectors (SPADs), minimizing detection dead-time maximizing the number of photons detected per excitation pulse without photon pile-up to achieve the high frame rate. This also enables dual color fluorescence imaging by temporally shifting the dual excitation lasers, with respect to each other, to separate the two spectrally distinct fluorescent decays in time. Combining the temporal encoding, to provide spectral separation, with lifetime measurements we show a one FPS, multi-channel endomicroscopy platform for clinical applications and diagnosis. We demonstrate the potential of the system by imaging SmartProbe labeled bacteria in ex vivo samples of human lung using lifetimeto differentiate bacterial fluorescence from the strong background lung autofluorescence which was used to provide structural information.
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    Photonic lanterns: a practical guide to filament tapering
    (Washington, DC : OSA, 2021) Davenport, John J.; Diab, Momen; Deka, Pranab J.; Tripathi, Aashana; Madhav, Kalaga; Roth, Martin M.
    We present a detailed method of tapering and drawing photonic lanterns using a filament glass processing system. Single-mode fibers (SMFs) were stacked inside a low refractive index, fluorine-doped capillary, which was then heated and tapered to produce a transition from single-mode to multi-mode. Fabrication parameters were considered in four categories: method of preparation and stacking of SMFs into a capillary, heat and filament dimensions of the glass processor, capillary ID, and the use of vacuum during tapering. 19- and 37- fiber lanterns were drawn, demonstrating good fusion between SMF claddings, a clear differentiation between core and cladding in the multimode (MM) section, and well-ordered arrangements between SMFs, which is controlled during the tapering process. The transmission efficiency of a 19-fiber photonic lantern, compared to an MMF with the same core diameter and NA, has a relative transmission efficiency of 1.19 dB or 67.1%. The steps and parameters provided in this paper form a framework for fabricating quality photonic lanterns.