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Detection of antiskyrmions by topological Hall effect in Heusler compounds

2020, Kumar, Vivek, Kumar, Nitesh, Reehuis, Manfred, Gayles, Jacob, Sukhanov, A.S., Hoser, Andreas, Damay, Françoise, Shekhar, Chandra, Adler, Peter, Felser, Claudia

Heusler compounds having D2d crystal symmetry gained much attention recently due to the stabilization of a vortexlike spin texture called antiskyrmions in thin lamellae of Mn1.4Pt0.9Pd0.1Sn as reported in the work of Nayak et al. [Nature (London) 548, 561 (2017)10.1038/nature23466]. Here we show that bulk Mn1.4Pt0.9Pd0.1Sn undergoes a spin-reorientation transition from a collinear ferromagnetic to a noncollinear configuration of Mn moments below 135 K, which is accompanied by the emergence of a topological Hall effect. We tune the topological Hall effect in Pd and Rh substituted Mn1.4PtSn Heusler compounds by changing the intrinsic magnetic properties and spin textures. A unique feature of the present system is the observation of a zero-field topological Hall resistivity with a sign change which indicates the robust formation of antiskyrmions. © 2020 authors. Published by the American Physical Society.

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Momentum space entanglement from the Wilsonian effective action

2022, Martins Costa, Matheus H., van den Brink, Jeroen, Nogueira, Flavio S., Krein, Gastão I.

The entanglement between momentum modes of a quantum field theory at different scales is not as well studied as its counterpart in real space, despite the natural connection with the Wilsonian idea of integrating out the high-momentum degrees of freedom. Here, we push such a connection further by developing a novel method to calculate the Rényi and entanglement entropies between slow and fast modes, which is based on the Wilsonian effective action at a given scale. This procedure is applied to the perturbative regime of some scalar theories, comparing the lowest-order results with those from the literature and interpreting them in terms of Feynman diagrams. This method is easily generalized to higher-order or nonperturbative calculations. It has the advantage of avoiding matrix diagonalizations of other techniques.

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Strong anisotropy of the electron-phonon interaction in NbP probed by magnetoacoustic quantum oscillations

2020, Schindler, Clemens, Gorbunov, Denis, Zherlitsyn, Sergei, Galeski, Stanislaw, Schmidt, Marcus, Wosnitza, Jochen, Gooth, Johannes

In this study, we report on the observation of de Haas-van Alphen-type quantum oscillations (QOs) in the ultrasound velocity of NbP as well as "giant QOs"in the ultrasound attenuation in pulsed magnetic fields. The difference in the QO amplitude for different acoustic modes reveals a strong anisotropy of the effective deformation potential, which we estimate to be as high as 9eV for certain parts of the Fermi surface. Furthermore, the natural filtering of QO frequencies and the tracing of the individual Landau levels to the quantum limit allows for a more detailed investigation of the Fermi surface of NbP, as was previously achieved by means of analyzing QOs observed in magnetization or electrical resistivity. © 2020 authors. Published by the American Physical Society.

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Gradual pressure-induced enhancement of magnon excitations in CeCoSi

2020, Nikitin, S.E., Franco, D.G., Kwon, J., Bewley, R., Podlesnyak, A., Hoser, A., Koza, M.M., Geibel, C., Stockert, O.

CeCoSi is an intermetallic antiferromagnet with a very unusual temperature-pressure phase diagram: At ambient pressure it orders below TN=8.8K, while application of hydrostatic pressure induces a new magnetically ordered phase with exceptionally high transition temperature of ∼40K at 1.5 GPa. We studied the magnetic properties and the pressure-induced magnetic phase of CeCoSi by means of elastic and inelastic neutron scattering (INS) and heat capacity measurements. At ambient pressure CeCoSi orders into a simple commensurate AFM structure with a reduced ordered moment of only mCe=0.37(6)μB. Specific heat and low-energy INS indicate a significant gap in the low-energy magnon excitation spectrum in the antiferromagnetic phase, with the CEF excitations located above 10 meV. Hydrostatic pressure gradually shifts the energy of the magnon band towards higher energies and the temperature dependence of the magnons measured at 1.5 GPa is consistent with the phase diagram. Moreover, the CEF excitations are also drastically modified under pressure. © 2020 authors.

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Extremely large magnetoresistance from electron-hole compensation in the nodal-loop semimetal ZrP2

2021, Bannies, J., Razzoli, E., Michiardi, M., Kung, H.-H., Elfimov, I.S., Yao, M., Fedorov, A., Fink, J., Jozwiak, C., Bostwick, A., Rotenberg, E., Damascelli, A., Felser, C.

Several early transition metal dipnictides (TMDPs) have been found to host topological semimetal states and exhibit large magnetoresistance (MR). In this paper, we use angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) and magnetotransport to study the electronic properties of a TMDP ZrP2. We find that ZrP2 exhibits an extremely large and unsaturated MR of up to 40 000% at 2 K, which originates from an almost perfect electron-hole (e-h) compensation. Our band structure calculations further show that ZrP2 hosts a topological nodal loop in proximity to the Fermi level. Based on the ARPES measurements, we confirm the results of our calculations and determine the surface band structure. This paper establishes ZrP2 as a platform to investigate near-perfect e-h compensation and its interplay with topological band structures.

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Ab initio theory of plasmonic superconductivity within the Eliashberg and density-functional formalisms

2020, Davydov, A., Sanna, A., Pellegrini, C., Dewhurst, J.K., Sharma, S., Gross, E.K.U.

We extend the two leading methods for the ab initio computational description of phonon-mediated superconductors, namely Eliashberg theory and density-functional theory for superconductors (SCDFT), to include plasmonic effects. Furthermore, we introduce a hybrid formalism in which the Eliashberg approximation for the electron-phonon coupling is combined with the SCDFT treatment of the dynamically screened Coulomb interaction. The methods have been tested on a set of well-known conventional superconductors by studying how the plasmon contribution affects the phononic mechanism in determining the critical temperature (TC). Our simulations show that plasmonic SCDFT leads to a good agreement between predicted and measured TC's, whereas Eliashberg theory considerably overestimates the plasmon-mediated pairing and, therefore, TC. The hybrid approach, on the other hand, gives results close to SCDFT and overall in excellent agreement with experiments.

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Bosonization in 2+1 dimensions via Chern-Simons bosonic particle-vortex duality

2020, Türker, Oğuz, Van den Brink, Jeroen, Meng, Tobias, Nogueira, Flavio S.

Dualities provide deep insight into physics by relating two seemingly distinct theories. Here we consider a duality between lattice fermions and bosons in (2+1) spacetime dimensions, relating free massive Dirac fermions to Abelian Chern-Simons Higgs (ACSH) bosons. To establish the duality, we represent the exact partition function of the lattice fermions in terms of the writhe of fermionic worldlines. On the bosonic side, the partition function is expressed in the writhe of the vortex loops of the particle-vortex dual of the ACSH Lagrangian. In the continuum and scaling limit, we show these to be identical. This result can be understood from the closed fermionic worldlines being direct mappings of the ACSH vortex loops, with the writhe keeping track of particle statistics. © 2020 authors. Published by the American Physical Society. Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the ""Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI. Funded by SCOAP3.

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Deep neural networks for classifying complex features in diffraction images

2019, Zimmermann, Julian, Langbehn, Bruno, Cucini, Riccardo, Di Fraia, Michele, Finetti, Paola, LaForge, Aaron C., Nishiyama, Toshiyuki, Ovcharenko, Yevheniy, Piseri, Paolo, Plekan, Oksana, Prince, Kevin C., Stienkemeier, Frank, Ueda, Kiyoshi, Callegari, Carlo, Möller, Thomas, Rupp, Daniela

Intense short-wavelength pulses from free-electron lasers and high-harmonic-generation sources enable diffractive imaging of individual nanosized objects with a single x-ray laser shot. The enormous data sets with up to several million diffraction patterns present a severe problem for data analysis because of the high dimensionality of imaging data. Feature recognition and selection is a crucial step to reduce the dimensionality. Usually, custom-made algorithms are developed at a considerable effort to approximate the particular features connected to an individual specimen, but because they face different experimental conditions, these approaches do not generalize well. On the other hand, deep neural networks are the principal instrument for today's revolution in automated image recognition, a development that has not been adapted to its full potential for data analysis in science. We recently published [Langbehn et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 255301 (2018)] the application of a deep neural network as a feature extractor for wide-angle diffraction images of helium nanodroplets. Here we present the setup, our modifications, and the training process of the deep neural network for diffraction image classification and its systematic bench marking. We find that deep neural networks significantly outperform previous attempts for sorting and classifying complex diffraction patterns and are a significant improvement for the much-needed assistance during postprocessing of large amounts of experimental coherent diffraction imaging data.

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General Time-Dependent Configuration-Interaction Singles II: The Atomic Case

2022-10-10, Carlström, Stefanos, Bertolino, Mattias, Dahlström, Jan Marcus, Patchkovskii, Serguei

We present a specialization of the grid-based implementation of the time-dependent configuration-interaction singles described in the preceding paper [S. Carlström et al., preceding paper, Phys. Rev. A 106, 043104 (2022)]. to the case of spherical symmetry. We describe the intricate time propagator in detail and conclude with a few example calculations. Among these, of note are high-resolution photoelectron spectra in the vicinity of the Fano resonances in photoionization of neon and spin-polarized photoelectrons from xenon, in agreement with recent experiments.

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Guiding shear bands in bulk metallic glasses using stress fields : A perspective from the activation of flow units

2020, Kosiba, K., Scudino, S., Bednarcik, J., Bian, J., Liu, G., Kühn, U., Pauly, S.

Controlling shear band propagation is the key to obtain ductile metallic glasses. Here, we use a residual stress field to vary the direction of shear band propagation. We ascribe this behavior to the effect of the stress field on the activation of shear transformation zones (STZs) along their characteristic direction and we quantify this contribution to the energy of the process. Because of the progressively adverse orientation of the stress field, the energy stored as shear in the STZ decreases to a level where shear band propagation at alternative angles becomes energetically more favorable. © 2020 authors.