Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 89
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Survey: Open Science in Higher Education

2017, Heck, Tamara, Blümel, Ina, Heller, Lambert, Mazarakis, Athanasios, Peters, Isabella, Scherp, Ansgar, Weisel, Luzian

Based on a checklist that was developed during a workshop at OER Camp 2016 and presented as a Science 2.0 conference 2016 poster [1], we conducted an online survey among university teachers representing a sufficient variety of subjects. The survey was online from Feb 6th to March 3rd 2017. We got 360 responses, whereof 210 were completes, see raw data [2]. The poster is presented at Open Science Conference, 21.-22.3.2017, Berlin.

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Workshop on PIDs within NFDI: Report of the Working Group “Persistent Identifiers (PID)” of the Section Common Infrastructures of the NFDI

2023, Arend, Daniel, Bach, Janete, Elger, Kirsten, Göller, Sandra, Hagemann-Wilholt, Stephanie, Krahl, Rolf, Lange, Matthias, Linke, David, Mayer, Desiree, Mutschke, Peter, Reimer, Lorenz, Scheidgen, Markus, Schrader, Antonia C., Selzer, Michael, Wieder, Philipp

In order to gain an overview of the current state of the discussion on PIDs and for the identification of use cases for the initiation phase of a PID service within the NFDI basic services, the working group Persistent Identifier of the Section Common Infrastructures of the NFDI hosted an online workshop in January 2023. In the course of the workshop, members of nine different NFDI consortia presented the current application of PIDs in their consortia.

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Methoden und Denkweisen aus der Theoretischen Informatik in Bibliotheken

2017, Kasprzik, Anna

Praxisbericht einer Formalsprachlerin aus dem Arbeitsalltag in der Forschungs- und Entwicklungsabteilung einer Bibliothek.

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TIB and East Asia Department at the TIB

2017, Lu, Linna

The "2017 International Conference on Integrated Development of Digital Publishing and Digital Libraries (CDPDL)" took place in Taiyuan from August 16-18,2017. This conference provides a platform for Chinese and foreign librarians, publishers and scholars to present the latest developments in Chinese library resources and technical innovations. In the early 1980s, with the growing interest in East Asia through research in academic and industrial fields, the TIB's Regional Department for East Asia was founded as an independent unit. The aim of the acquisition of the Regional Unit is to provide materials that not only provide an overview of current developments in East Asia but also provide detailed, specialized information. In comparison to most Asian departments of other libraries, the TIB's East Asia collection focuses not on Asian linguistics and humanities, but on modern literature in the field of technology and natural sciences. In order to reflect on the current state of research in East Asia and to communicate research and industry, our acquisition focuses on modern periodicals, academic journals and series from scientific and technical associations, reports from universities and research institutes. Exactly these special features were presented to the participants at this year's CDPDL. Many of our colleagues in the branch could thus get to know the TIB and the regional department better, especially in the country and the geographical area in which we have placed one of our main focuses of collection.

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A PDF Test-Set for Well-Formedness Validation in JHOVE - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

2017, Lindlar, Michelle, Tunnat, Yvonne, Wilson, Carl

Digital preservation and active software stewardship are both cyclical processes. While digital preservation strategies have to be reevaluated regularly to ensure that they still meet technological and organizational requirements, software needs to be tested with every new release to ensure that it functions correctly. JHOVE is an open source format validation tool which plays a central role in many digital preservation workflows and the PDF module is one of its most important features. Unlike tools such as Adobe PreFlight or veraPDF which check against requirements at profile level, JHOVE’s PDF-module is the only tool that can validate the syntax and structure of PDF files. Despite JHOVE’s widespread and long-standing adoption, the underlying validation rules are not formally or thoroughly tested, leading to bugs going undetected for a long time. Furthermore, there is no ground-truth data set which can be used to understand and test PDF validation at the structural level. The authors present a corpus of light-weight files designed to test the validation criteria of JHOVE’s PDF module against “well-formedness”. We conclude by measuring the code coverage of the test corpus within JHOVE PDF validation and by feeding detected inconsistencies of the PDF-module back into the open source development process.

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Semantic modelling of video annotations – the TIB AV-Portal's metadata structure

2018, Saurbier, Felix

The TIB AV-Portal ( is an online platform for sharing scientific videos operated by the German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB). Besides the allocation of Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) and Media Fragment Identifiers (MFID) for video citation, long-term preservation of all material and open licenses like Creative Commons, the core feature of the TIB AV-Portal are its various methods of automated metadata extraction to fundamentally improve search functionalities (e.g. fine-grained search and faceting). These comprise of an automated chaptering, extraction of superimposed text, speech to text recognition, and the detection of predefined visual concepts. In addition, extracted metadata are consequently mapped against authority files like the German “Gemeinsame Normdatei” and knowledge bases like DBpedia and Library of Congress Subject Headings via a process of automated named entity linking (NEL) to enable semantic and cross-lingual search. The results of this process are expressed as temporal and/or spatial video annotations, linking extracted metadata to certain key frames and video segments. In order to structure the data, express relations between single entities, and link to external information resources, several common vocabularies, ontologies and knowledge bases are being used. These include amongst others the Open Annotation Data Model, the NLP Interchange Format (NIF), BIBFRAME, the Friend of Friend Vocabulary (FOAF), and Furthermore, all data is stored adhering to the Resource Description Framework (RDF) data model and published as linked open data. This provides third parties with an interoperable and easy to reuse RDF graph representation of the AV-Portal’s metadata. On our poster we illustrate the general structure of the TIB AV-Portal’s comprehensive metadata both authoritative and extracted automatically. Here, the main focus is on the underlying video annotation graph model and on semantic interoperability and reusability of the data. In particular we visualize how the use of vocabularies, ontologies and knowledge bases allows for rich semantic descriptions of video materials as well as for easy metadata publication, interlinking, and opportunities of reuse by third parties (e.g. for information retrieval and enrichment). In doing so, we present the AV-Portal’s metadata structure as an illustrative example for the complexity of modelling temporal and spatial video metadata and as a set of best practices in the field of audio-visual resources.

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Der Publikationsfonds für Open-Access-Monografien Brandenburg - der erste seiner Art auf Bundeslandebene

2022, Eppelin, Anita, Zeltner, Anja, Falkenburg, Philipp

Seit Herbst 2021 steht Angehörigen der acht Hochschulen des Landes Brandenburg ein landesweiter Publikationsfonds für Open-Access-Monografien zur Verfügung. Dieser wird vom Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur Brandenburg (MWFK) bereitgestellt, von der Vernetzungs- und Kompetenzstelle Open Access Brandenburg (VuK) koordiniert und gemeinsam mit der AG Publikationsfonds für Open-Access-Monografien Brandenburg weiterentwickelt. Im Poster werden Förderziele und -kriterien sowie der Workflow zwischen Autor:innen, VuK, Bibliotheken und Verlagen dargestellt. Zusätzlich gibt das Poster einen zahlenmäßigen Überblick zur bisherigen Nutzung des Fonds und stellt Herausforderungen und Erfahrungen aus einem Jahr Publikationsfonds-Betrieb dar (Stand Juni 2022). Gestaltung: Nora Ancheva,

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Experience: Open fiscal datasets, common issues, and recommendations

2018, Musyaffa, Fathoni A., Engels, Christiane, Vidal, Maria-Esther, Orlandi, Fabrizio, Auer, Sören

A pre-print paper detailing recommendation for publishing fiscal data, including assessment framework for fiscal datasets. This paper has been accepted at ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality (JDIQ) in 2018.

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Publikationen und Gender-Effekte in der Mathematik

2018, Mihaljević, Helena, Santamaría, Lucía, Tullney, Marco

Die Unterrepräsentation von Frauen in der wissenschaftlichen Mathematik hält trotz steigender Absolventinnenzahlen an. Publikationen sind ein wesentlicher Baustein wissenschaftlicher Karrieren. Deshalb werden sie in unserer Arbeit analysiert. Es werden zentraler Ergebnisse eines Forschungsartikels ( vorgestellt, weitere Forschung angekündigt und schließlich zu einer Diskussion eingeladen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen deutliche Unterschiede beim Publikationsverhalten zwischen Frauen und Männern mit Karrierenachteilen für Frauen. Die Geschlechterzuschreibung erfolgte algorithmisch auf Basis von Einträgen in zbMATH.

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In wenigen Schritten zur Zweitveröffentlichung: Ein Leitfaden für Mitarbeiter:innen in Publikationsservices

2024-02-08, Dellmann, Sarah, Deuter, Franziska, Hulin, Sylvia, Kuhlmeier, Antje, Matuszkiewicz, Kai, Schneider, Corinna, Schröer, Cäcilia, Weisheit, Silke, Strauß, Helene

Viele wissenschaftliche Bibliotheken bieten den Angehörigen der eigenen Einrichtung einen Zweitveröffentlichungsservice an. Um den Austausch zu diesem Thema zu fördern, wurde im Jahr 2021 die „Digitale Fokusgruppe Zweitveröffentlichung“ im Rahmen der Kompetenz- und Vernetzungsplattform „“ gegründet. Der vorliegende Leitfaden ist aus dem Bedarf entstanden, Kolleg:innen bei Einrichtung und Ausbau eines Zweitveröffentlichungsservices zu unterstützen. Er richtet sich daher vor allem an Kolleg:innen, die (neu) im Themenfeld Zweitveröffentlichung arbeiten oder die sich z. B. im Rahmen der bibliothekarischen Ausbildung mit diesem Thema beschäftigen. Der Leitfaden entstand in einem kollaborativen Schreibprozess von Mitgliedern der Fokusgruppe Zweitveröffentlichung zwischen Dezember 2022 und November 2023.