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Pentacene in 1,3,5-Tri(1-naphtyl)benzene: A Novel Standard for Transient EPR Spectroscopy at Room Temperature

2021, Schröder, Mirjam, Rauber, Daniel, Matt, Clemens, Kay, Christopher W. M.

Testing and calibrating an experimental setup with standard samples is an essential aspect of scientific research. Single crystals of pentacene in p-terphenyl are widely used for this purpose in transient electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. However, this sample is not without downsides: the crystals need to be grown and the EPR transitions only appear at particular orientations of the crystal with respect to the external magnetic field. An alternative host for pentacene is the glass-forming 1,3,5-tri(1-naphtyl)benzene (TNB). Due to the high glass transition point of TNB, an amorphous glass containing randomly oriented pentacene molecules is obtained at room temperature. Here we demonstrate that pentacene dissolved in TNB gives a typical “powder-like” transient EPR spectrum of the triplet state following pulsed laser excitation. From the two-dimensional data set, it is straightforward to obtain the zero-field splitting parameters and relative populations by spectral simulation as well as the B1 field in the microwave resonator. Due to the simplicity of preparation, handling and stability, this system is ideal for adjusting the laser beam with respect to the microwave resonator and for introducing students to transient EPR spectroscopy. © 2021, The Author(s).

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Studies towards synthesis, evolution and alignment characteristics of dense, millimeter long multiwalled carbon nanotube arrays

2011, Mahanandia, P., Schneider, J.J., Engel, M., Stühn, B., Subramanyam, S.V., Nanda, K.K.

We report the synthesis of aligned arrays of millimeter long carbon nanotubes (CNTs), from benzene and ferrocene as the molecular precursor and catalyst respectively, by a one-step chemical vapor deposition technique. The length of the grown CNTs depends on the reaction temperature and increases from ~85 μm to ~1.4 mm when the synthesis temperature is raised from 650 to 1100°C, while the tube diameter is almost independent of the preparation temperature and is ~80 nm. The parallel arrangement of the CNTs, as well as their tube diameter can be verified spectroscopically by small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) studies. Based on electron diffraction scattering (EDS) studies of the top and the base of the CNT films, a root growth process can be deduced.

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Microbial respiration and natural attenuation of benzene contaminated soils investigated by cavity enhanced Raman multi-gas spectroscopy

2015, Jochum, Tobias, Michalzik, Beate, Bachmann, Anne, Popp, Jürgen, Frosch, Torsten

Soil and groundwater contamination with benzene can cause serious environmental damage. However, many soil microorganisms are capable to adapt and are known to strongly control the fate of organic contamination. Innovative cavity enhanced Raman multi-gas spectroscopy (CERS) was applied to investigate the short-term response of the soil micro-flora to sudden surface contamination with benzene regarding the temporal variations of gas products and their exchange rates with the adjacent atmosphere. 13C-labeled benzene was spiked on a silty-loamy soil column in order to track and separate the changes in heterotrophic soil respiration – involving 12CO2 and O2 – from the natural attenuation process of benzene degradation to ultimately form 13CO2. The respiratory quotient (RQ) decreased from a value 0.98 to 0.46 directly after the spiking and increased again within 33 hours to a value of 0.72. This coincided with the maximum 13CO2 concentration rate (0.63 μmol m−2 s−1), indicating the highest benzene degradation at 33 hours after the spiking event. The diffusion of benzene in the headspace and the biodegradation into 13CO2 were simultaneously monitored and 12 days after the benzene spiking no measurable degradation was detected anymore. The RQ finally returned to a value of 0.96 demonstrating the reestablished aerobic respiration.