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    Temperature-Dependent Reinforcement of Hydrophilic Rubber Using Ice Crystals
    (Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2017-2-2) Natarajan, Tamil Selvan; Stöckelhuber, Klaus Werner; Malanin, Mikhail; Eichhorn, Klaus-Jochen; Formanek, Petr; Reuter, Uta; Wießner, Sven; Heinrich, Gert; Das, Amit
    This is the first study on the impact of ice crystals on glass transition and mechanical behavior of soft cross-linked elastomers. A hydrophilic elastomer such as epichlorohydrin-ethylene oxide-allyl glycidyl ether can absorb about ∼40 wt % of water. The water-swollen cross-linked network exhibits elastic properties with more than 1500% stretchability at room temperature. Coincidently, the phase transition of water into solid ice crystals inside of the composites allows the reinforcement of the soft elastomer mechanically at lower temperatures. Young's modulus of the composites measured at -20 °C remarkably increased from 1.45 to 3.14 MPa, whereas at +20 °C, the effect was opposite and the Young's modulus decreased from 0.6 to 0.03 MPa after 20 days of water treatment. It was found that a part of the absorbed water, ∼74% of the total absorbed water, is freezable and occupies nearly 26 vol % of the composites. Simultaneously, these solid ice crystals are found to be acting as a reinforcing filler at lower temperatures. The size of these ice crystals is distributed in a relatively narrow range of 400-600 nm. The storage modulus (E′) of the ice crystal-filled composites increased from 3 to 13 MPa at -20 °C. The glass transition temperature (-37 °C) of the soft cross-linked elastomer was not altered by the absorption of water. However, a special transition (melting of ice) occurred at temperatures close to 0 °C as observed in the dynamic mechanical analysis of the water-swollen elastomers. The direct polymer/filler (ice crystals) interaction was demonstrated by strain sweep experiments and investigated using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. This type of cross-linked rubber could be integrated into a smart rubber application such as in adaptable mechanics, where the stiffness of the rubber can be altered as a function of temperature without affecting the mechanical stretchability either below or above 0 °C (above the glass temperature region) of the rubber.
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    Phase transition and anomalous low temperature ferromagnetic phase in Pr 0.6Sr 0.4MnO 3 single crystals
    (New York, NY : Springer Science + Business Media B.V., 2009) Rößler, S.; Harikrishnan, S.; Naveen Kumar, C.M.; Bhat, H.L.; Elizabeth, S.; Rößler, U.K.; Steglich, F.; Wirth, S.
    We report on the magnetic and electrical properties of Pr 0.6Sr 0.4MnO 3 single crystals. This compound undergoes a continuous paramagnetic-ferromagnetic transition with a Curie temperature T C301 K and a first-order structural transition at T S64 K. At T S, the magnetic susceptibility exhibits an abrupt jump, and a corresponding small hump is seen in the resistivity. The critical behavior of the static magnetization and the temperature dependence of the resistivity are consistent with the behavior expected for a nearly isotropic ferromagnet with short-range exchange belonging to the Heisenberg universality class. The magnetization (M-H) curves below T S are anomalous in that the virgin curve lies outside the subsequent M-H loops. The hysteretic structural transition at T S as well as the irreversible magnetization processes below T S can be explained by phase separation between a high-temperature orthorhombic and a low-temperature monoclinic ferromagnetic phase.
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    Endohedral metal-nitride cluster ordering in metallofullerene-NiII(OEP) complexes and crystals : A theoretical study
    (Cambridge : RSC Publ., 2019) Dubrovin, Vasilii; Gan, Li-Hua; Büchner, Bernd; Popov, Alexey A.; Avdoshenko, Stanislav M.
    The ordering of endohedral clusterfullerenes Sc3N@C80 and YSc2N@C80 co-crystallized with Ni(OEP) and isolated complexes with Ni(OEP) have been investigated theoretically. Having used multiple orientations of M3N clusters inside the cages with Fibonacci sampling, we describe the effect of intermolecular interactions on the orientation of the endohedral cluster. © the Owner Societies.
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    Wedged Nd:YVO4 crystal for wavelength tuning of monolithic passively Q-switched picosecond microchip lasers
    (Washington, DC : Soc., 2021) Marianovich, André; Spiekermann, Stefan; Brendel, Moritz; Wessels, Peter; Neumann, Jörg; Weyers, Markus; Kracht, Dietmar
    We present a monolithic integrated passively Q-switched sub-150 ps microchip laser at 1064 nm with a wedged Nd:YVO4 crystal operating up to a repetition rate of 1 MHz. The wedge enables to change the cavity length by a small amount to fine tune the spectral cavity mode position over the full gain bandwidth of Nd:YVO4 and hence to optimize the output power. This additional degree of freedom may be a suitable approach to increase the wafer scale mass production yield or also to simplify frequency tuning of CW single-frequency microchip lasers.
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    High-temperature electromechanical loss in piezoelectric langasite and catangasite crystals
    (Melville, NY : American Inst. of Physics, 2021) Suhak, Yuriy; Fritze, Holger; Sotnikov, Andrei; Schmidt, Hagen; Johnson, Ward L.
    Temperature-dependent acoustic loss Q−1 is studied in partially disordered langasite (LGS, La3Ga5SiO14) and ordered catangasite (CTGS, Ca3TaGa3Si2O14) crystals and compared with previously reported CTGS and langatate (LGT, La3Ga5.5Ta0.5O14) data. Two independent techniques, a contactless tone-burst excitation technique and contacting resonant piezoelectric spectroscopy, are used in this study. Contributions to the measured Q−1(T) are determined through fitting to physics-based functions, and the extracted fit parameters, including the activation energies of the processes, are discussed. It is shown that losses in LGS and CTGS are caused by a superposition of several mechanisms, including intrinsic phonon–phonon loss, point-defect relaxations, and conductivity-related relaxations.
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    Engineering the semiconductor/oxide interaction for stacking twin suppression in single crystalline epitaxial silicon(111)/insulator/Si(111) heterostructures
    (College Park, MD : Institute of Physics Publishing, 2008) Schroetter, T.; Zaumseil, P.; Seifarth, O.; Giussani, A.; Müssig, H.-J.; Storck, P.; Geiger, D.; Lichte, H.; Dabrowski, J.
    The integration of alternative semiconductor layers on the Si material platform via oxide heterostructures is of interest to increase the performance and/or functionality of future Si-based integrated circuits. The single crystalline quality of epitaxial (epi) semiconductor-insulator-Si heterostructures is however limited by too high defect densities, mainly due to a lack of knowledge about the fundamental physics of the heteroepitaxy mechanisms at work. To shed light on the physics of stacking twin formation as one of the major defect mechanisms in (111)-oriented fcc-related heterostructures on Si(111), we report a detailed experimental and theoretical study on the structure and defect properties of epi-Si(111)/Y2O 3/Pr2O3/Si(111) heterostructures. Synchrotron radiation-grazing incidence x-ray diffraction (SR-GIXRD) proves that the engineered Y2O3/Pr2O3 buffer dielectric heterostructure on Si(111) allows control of the stacking sequence of the overgrowing single crystalline epi-Si(111) layers. The epitaxy relationship of the epi-Si(111)/insulator/Si(111) heterostructure is characterized by a type A/B/A stacking configuration. Theoretical ab initio calculations show that this stacking sequence control of the heterostructure is mainly achieved by electrostatic interaction effects across the ionic oxide/covalent Si interface (IF). Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies detect only a small population of misaligned type B epi-Si(111) stacking twins whose location is limited to the oxide/epiSi IF region. Engineering the oxide/semiconductor IF physics by using tailored oxide systems opens thus a promising approach to grow heterostructures with well-controlled properties. © IOP Publishing Ltd and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft.
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    A novel engineered oxide buffer approach for fully lattice-matched SOI heterostructures
    (College Park, MD : Institute of Physics Publishing, 2010) Giussani, A.; Zaumseil, P.; Seifarth, O.; Storck, P.; Schroeder, T.
    Epitaxial (epi) oxides on silicon can be used to integrate novel device concepts on the canonical Si platform, including functional oxides, e.g. multiferroics, as well as alternative semiconductor approaches. For all these applications, the quality of the oxide heterostructure is a key figure of merit. In this paper, it is shown that, by co-evaporating Y2O3 and Pr2O3 powder materials, perfectly lattice-matched PrYO3(111) epilayers with bixbyite structure can be grown on Si(111) substrates. A high-resolution x-ray diffraction analysis demonstrates that the mixed oxide epi-films are single crystalline and type B oriented. Si epitaxial overgrowth of the PrYO3(111)/Si(111) support system results in flat, continuous and fully lattice-matched epi-Si(111)/PrYO3(111)/Si(111) silicon-on-insulator heterostructures. Raman spectroscopy proves the strain-free nature of the epi-Si films. A Williamson-Hall analysis of the mixed oxide layer highlights the existence of structural defects in the buffer, which can be explained by the thermal expansion coefficients of Si and PrYO3. © IOP Publishing Ltd and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft.
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    Tm3+-doped calcium lithium tantalum gallium garnet (Tm:CLTGG): novel laser crystal
    (Washington, DC : OSA, 2021) Alles, Adrian; Pan, Zhongben; Loiko, Pavel; Serres, Josep Maria; Slimi, Sami; Yingming, Shawuti; Tang, Kaiyang; Wang, Yicheng; Zhao, Yongguang; Dunina, Elena; Kornienko, Alexey; Camy, Patrice; Chen, Weidong; Wang, Li; Griebner, Uwe; Petrov, Valentin; Solé, Rosa Maria; Aguiló, Magdalena; Díaz, Francesc; Mateos, Xavier
    We report on the development of a novel laser crystal with broadband emission properties at ∼2 µm – a Tm3+,Li+-codoped calcium tantalum gallium garnet (Tm:CLTGG). The crystal is grown by the Czochralski method. Its structure (cubic, sp. gr. 𝐼𝑎3¯𝑑, a = 12.5158(0) Å) is refined by the Rietveld method. Tm:CLTGG exhibits a relatively high thermal conductivity of 4.33 Wm-1K-1. Raman spectroscopy confirms a weak concentration of vacancies due to the charge compensation provided by Li+ codoping. The transition probabilities of Tm3+ ions are determined using the modified Judd-Ofelt theory yielding the intensity parameters Ω2 = 5.185, Ω4 = 0.650, Ω6 = 1.068 [10−20 cm2] and α = 0.171 [10−4 cm]. The crystal-field splitting of the Tm3+ multiplets is revealed at 10 K. The first diode-pumped Tm:CLTGG laser generates 1.08 W at ∼2 µm with a slope efficiency of 23.8%. The Tm3+ ions in CLTGG exhibit significant inhomogeneous spectral broadening due to the structure disorder (a random distribution of Ta5+ and Ga3+ cations over octahedral and tetrahedral lattice sites) leading to smooth and broad gain profiles (bandwidth: 130 nm) extending well above 2 µm and rendering Tm:CLTGG suitable for femtosecond pulse generation.
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    Diode-pumped sub-50-fs Kerr-lens mode-locked Yb:GdYCOB laser
    (Washington, DC : Soc., 2021) Zeng, Huangjun; Lin, Haifeng; Lin, Zhanglang; Zhang, Lizhen; Lin, Zhoubin; Zhang, Ge; Petrov, Valentin; Loiko, Pavel; Mateos, Xavier; Wang, Li; Chen, Weidong
    We present a sub-50-fs diode-pumped Kerr-lens mode-locked laser employing a novel “mixed” monoclinic Yb:Ca4(Gd,Y)O(BO3)3 (Yb:GdYCOB) crystal as a gain medium. Nearly Fourier-limited pulses as short as 43 fs at 1036.7 nm are generated with an average power of 84 mW corresponding to a pulse repetition rate of ∼70.8 MHz. A higher average power of 300 mW was achieved at the expense of the pulse duration (113 fs) corresponding to an optical-to-optical efficiency of 35.8% representing a record-high value for any Yb-doped borate crystal. Non-phase-matched self-frequency doubling is observed in the mode-locked regime with pronounced strong spectral fringes which originate from two delayed green replicas of the fundamental femtosecond pulses in the time domain.
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    The Role of Connectivity on Electronic Properties of Lead Iodide Perovskite-Derived Compounds
    (Washington, DC : American Chemical Society, 2017) Kamminga, Machteld E.; de Wijs, Gilles A.; Havenith, Remco W. A.; Blake, Graeme R.; Palstra, Thomas T.M.
    We use a layered solution crystal growth method to synthesize high-quality single crystals of two different benzylammonium lead iodide perovskite-like organic/inorganic hybrids. The well-known (C6H5CH2NH3)2PbI4 phase is obtained in the form of bright orange platelets, with a structure comprised of single 〈100〉-terminated sheets of corner-sharing PbI6 octahedra separated by bilayers of the organic cations. The presence of water during synthesis leads to formation of a novel minority phase that crystallizes in the form of nearly transparent, light yellow bar-shaped crystals. This phase adopts the monoclinic space group P21/n and incorporates water molecules, with structural formula (C6H5CH2NH3)4Pb5I14·2H2O. The crystal structure consists of ribbons of edge-sharing PbI6 octahedra separated by the organic cations. Density functional theory calculations including spin-orbit coupling show that these edge-sharing PbI6 octahedra cause the band gap to increase with respect to corner-sharing PbI6 octahedra in (C6H5CH2NH3)2PbI4. To gain systematic insight, we model the effect of the connectivity of PbI6 octahedra on the band gap in idealized lead iodide perovskite-derived compounds. We find that increasing the connectivity from corner-, via edge-, to face-sharing causes a significant increase in the band gap. This provides a new mechanism to tailor the optical properties in organic/inorganic hybrid compounds.