Search Results
Diffusion and interface effects during preparation of all-solid microstructured fibers
2014, Kobelke, J., Bierlich, J., Wondraczek, K., Aichele, C., Pan, Z., Unger, S., Schuster, K., Bartelt, H.
All-solid microstructured optical fibers (MOF) allow the realization of very flexible optical waveguide designs. They are prepared by stacking of doped silica rods or canes in complex arrangements. Typical dopants in silica matrices are germanium and phosphorus to increase the refractive index (RI), or boron and fluorine to decrease the RI. However, the direct interface contact of stacking elements often causes interrelated chemical reactions or evaporation during thermal processing. The obtained fiber structures after the final drawing step thus tend to deviate from the targeted structure risking degrading their favored optical functionality. Dopant profiles and design parameters(e.g., the RI homogeneity of the cladding) are controlled by the combination of diffusion and equilibrium conditions of evaporation reactions. We show simulation results of diffusion and thermal dissociation in germanium and fluorine doped silica rod arrangements according to the monitored geometrical disturbances in stretched canes or drawn fibers. The paper indicates geometrical limits of dopant structures in sub-μm-level depending on the dopant concentration and the thermal conditions during the drawing process. The presented results thus enable an optimized planning of the preform parameters avoiding unwanted alterations in dopant concentration profiles or in design parameters encountered during the drawing process.
Inductive flash-annealing of bulk metallic glasses
2017, Kosiba, K., Pauly, S.
We developed a temperature-controlled inductive flash-annealing device, which heats bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) at defined rates of up to 200 K/s to a given temperature. Subsequent instantaneous quenching in water allows preserving the microstructures obtained at various stages of crystallization. One Zr-based and two CuZr-based BMGs were flash-annealed at the onset of crystallization with different heating rates in order to prepare advanced BMG-matrix composites. The highly reproducible composite microstructures contain uniformly dispersed crystals and a narrow crystal size distribution. In order to assess the limitations of the present process, which mainly originate from non-uniform inductive heating, the skin depth was calculated. It is determined to be about 2.3 mm, which enables flash-annealing of rather bulky samples. The cooling rate was estimated from the interlamellar spacing of eutectic Al-Cu alloys to be on the order of 103 K/s. This ensures that decomposition of the microstructure during quenching is prevented. The present flash-annealing procedure is applicable to a wide variety of glass-forming liquids and has a large potential for tailoring the microstructure and, consequently, the mechanical properties of BMG-matrix composites.
A bifunctional dermaseptin–thanatin dipeptide functionalizes the crop surface for sustainable pest management
2019, Schwinges, Patrick, Pariyar, Shyam, Jakob, Felix, Rahimi, Mehran, Apitius, Lina, Hunsche, Mauricio, Schmitt, Lutz, Noga, Georg, Langenbach, Caspar, Schwaneberg, Ulrich, Conrath, Uwe
To reduce pesticide use while preserving crop productivity, alternative pest and disease control measures are needed. We thought of an alternative way of functionalizing leaves of soybean to fight its most severe disease, Asian soybean rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi). To do so, we produced bifunctional peptides that adhere to the soybean leaf surface and prevent the germination of P. pachyrhizi spores. In detail, amphiphilic peptides liquid chromatography peak I (LCI), thanatin (THA), tachystatin A2 (TA2), and lactoferricin B (LFB) were all fused to enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP). Of these fusion peptides, eGFP–LCI and eGFP–THA bound strongly and in a rainfast manner to the surface of soybean, barley, and corn leaves. eGFP–THA binding to soybean also withstood high temperature, sunlight and biotic degradation for at least 17 days. The dipeptides seem to bind mainly to the surface wax layer of leaves because eGFP–THA and eGFP–LCI did not stick to the wax-depleted cer-j59 mutant of barley or to corn leaves with their surface wax removed. A fusion of the antimicrobial peptide dermaseptin 01 and THA (DS01–THA) inhibits the germination of P. pachyrhizi spores in vitro and reduces Asian soybean rust disease in a rainfast manner. Therefore, this study reveals that bifunctional peptides can be used to functionalize the crop surface for sustainable disease management.
Superconducting ferecrystals: Turbostratically disordered atomic-scale layered (PbSe)1.14(NbSe2)n thin films
2016, Grosse, Corinna, Alemayehu, Matti B., Falmbigl, Matthias, Mogilatenko, Anna, Chiatti, Olivio, Johnson, David C., Fischer, Saskia F.
Hybrid electronic heterostructure films of semi- and superconducting layers possess very different properties from their bulk counterparts. Here, we demonstrate superconductivity in ferecrystals: turbostratically disordered atomic-scale layered structures of single-, bi- and trilayers of NbSe2 separated by PbSe layers. The turbostratic (orientation) disorder between individual layers does not destroy superconductivity. Our method of fabricating artificial sequences of atomic-scale 2D layers, structurally independent of their neighbours in the growth direction, opens up new possibilities of stacking arbitrary numbers of hybrid layers which are not available otherwise, because epitaxial strain is avoided. The observation of superconductivity and systematic Tc changes with nanostructure make this synthesis approach of particular interest for realizing hybrid systems in the search of 2D superconductivity and the design of novel electronic heterostructures.
Free Discharge of Subsurface Drainage Effluent: An Alternate Design of the Surface Drain System in Pakistan
2021, Imran, Muhammad Ali, Xu, Jinlan, Sultan, Muhammad, Shamshiri, Redmond R., Ahmed, Naveed, Javed, Qaiser, Asfahan, Hafiz Muhammad, Latif, Yasir, Usman, Muhammad, Ahmad, Riaz
In Pakistan, many subsurface (SS) drainage projects were launched by the Salinity Control and Reclamation Project (SCARP) to deal with twin problems (waterlogging and salinity). In some cases, sump pumps were installed for the disposal of SS effluent into surface drainage channels. Presently, sump pumps have become dysfunctional due to social and financial constraints. This study evaluates the alternate design of the Paharang drainage system that could permit the discharge of the SS drainage system in the response of gravity. The proposed design was completed after many successive trials in terms of lowering the bed level and decreasing the channel bed slope. Interconnected MS-Excel worksheets were developed to design the L-section and X-section. Design continuity of the drainage system was achieved by ensuring the bed and water levels of the receiving drain were lower than the outfalling drain. The drain cross-section was set within the present row with a few changes on the service roadside. The channel side slope was taken as 1:1.5 and the spoil bank inner and outer slopes were kept as 1:2 for the entire design. The earthwork was calculated in terms of excavation for lowering the bed level and increasing the drain section to place the excavated materials in a specific manner. The study showed that modification in the design of the Paharang drainage system is technically admissible and allows for the continuous discharge of SS drainage effluent from the area.