Search Results
Correlation between the microstructures and the deformation mechanisms of CuZr-based bulk metallic glass composites
2013, Song, K.K., Pauly, S., Sun, B.A, Tan, J., Stoica, M., Kühn, U., Eckert, J.
The variation of the transformation-mediated deformation behavior with microstructural changes in CuZr-based bulk metallic glass composites is investigated. With increasing crystalline volume fraction, the deformation mechanism gradually changes from a shear-banding dominated process as evidenced by a chaotic serrated flow behavior, to being governed by a martensitic transformation with a pronounced elastic-plastic stage, resulting in different plastic deformations evolving into a self-organized critical state characterized by the power-law distribution of shear avalanches. This is reflected in the stress-strain curves by a single-to-"double"-to-"triple"- double yielding transition and by different mechanical properties with different serrated flow characteristics, which are interpreted based on the microstructural evolutions and a fundamental energy theorem. Our results can assist in understanding deformation behaviors for high-performance metastable alloys.
Mechanical performance and corrosion behaviour of Zr-based bulk metallic glass produced by selective laser melting
2020, Deng, L., Gebert, A., Zhang, L., Chen, H.Y., Gu, D.D., Kühn, U., Zimmermann, M., Kosiba, K., Pauly, S.
Nearly fully dense, glassy Zr52.5Cu17.9Ni14.6Al10Ti5 bulk specimens were fabricated by selective laser melting (SLM) and their behaviour during compressive loading, during wear testing and in a corrosive medium was investigated. Their performance was compared with as-cast material of the same composition. The additively manufactured samples exhibit a yield strength around 1700 MPa combined with a plastic strain of about 0.5% after yielding despite the residual porosity of 1.3%, which is distributed uniformly in the samples. The propagation of shear bands in the bulk metallic glass prepared by SLM was studied. The specific wear rate and the worn surfaces demonstrated that similar wear mechanisms are active in the SLM and the as-cast samples. Hence, manufacturing the glass in layers does not adversely affect the wear properties. The same holds for the corrosion tests, which were carried out in 0.01 M Na2SO4 and 0.1 M NaCl electrolyte. The anodic polarization curves of SLM samples and as-cast samples revealed a similar corrosion behaviour. However, the SLM samples have a slightly reduced susceptibility to pitting corrosion and exhibit an improved surface healing ability, which might be attributed to an improved homogeneity of the additively manufactured glass.
Guiding shear bands in bulk metallic glasses using stress fields : A perspective from the activation of flow units
2020, Kosiba, K., Scudino, S., Bednarcik, J., Bian, J., Liu, G., Kühn, U., Pauly, S.
Controlling shear band propagation is the key to obtain ductile metallic glasses. Here, we use a residual stress field to vary the direction of shear band propagation. We ascribe this behavior to the effect of the stress field on the activation of shear transformation zones (STZs) along their characteristic direction and we quantify this contribution to the energy of the process. Because of the progressively adverse orientation of the stress field, the energy stored as shear in the STZ decreases to a level where shear band propagation at alternative angles becomes energetically more favorable. © 2020 authors.
Plasticity, crack initiation and defect resistance in alkali-borosilicate glasses: From normal to anomalous behavior
2015, Limbach, R., Winterstein-Beckmann, A., Dellith, J., Möncke, D., Wondraczek, L.
We provide a comprehensive description of the defect tolerance of sodium-borosilicate glasses upon sharp contact loading. This is motivated by the key role which is taken by this particular glass system in a wide variety of applications, ranging from electronic substrates, display covers and substrates for biomedical imaging and sensing to, e.g., radioactive waste vitrification. The present report covers the mechanical properties of glasses in the Na2O–B2O3–SiO2 ternary over the broad range of compositions from pure SiO2 to binary sodium-borates, and crossing the regions of various commercially relevant specialty borosilicate glasses, such as the multi-component Duran-, Pyrex- and BK7-type compositions and typical soda-lime silicate glasses, which are also included in this study. In terms of structure, the considered glasses may be separated into two groups, that is, one series which contains only bridging oxygen atoms, and another series which is designed with an increasing number of non-bridging oxygen ions. Elastic moduli, Poisson ratio, hardness as well as creep and crack resistance were evaluated, as well as the contribution of densification to the overall amount of indentation deformation. Correlations between the mechanical properties and structural characteristics of near- and mid-range order are discussed, from which we obtain a mechanistic view at the molecular reactions which govern the overall deformation reaction and, ultimately, contact cracking.
Photoluminescence at room temperature of liquid-phase crystallized silicon on glass
2016, Vetter, Michael, Schwuchow, Anka, Andrä, Gudrun
The room temperature photoluminescence (PL) spectrum due band-to-band recombination in an only 8 μm thick liquid-phase crystallized silicon on glass solar cell absorber is measured over 3 orders of magnitude with a thin 400 μm thick optical fiber directly coupled to the spectrometer. High PL signal is achieved by the possibility to capture the PL spectrum very near to the silicon surface. The spectra measured within microcrystals of the absorber present the same features as spectra of crystalline silicon wafers without showing defect luminescence indicating the high electronic material quality of the liquid-phase multi-crystalline layer after hydrogen plasma treatment.
Processing metallic glasses by selective laser melting
2013, Pauly, S., Löber, L., Petters, R., Stoica, M., Scudino, S., Kühn, U., Eckert, J.
Metallic glasses and their descendants, the so-called bulk metallic glasses (BMGs), can be regarded as frozen liquids with a high resistance to crystallization. The lack of a conventional structure turns them into a material exhibiting near-theoretical strength, low Young's modulus and large elasticity. These unique mechanical properties can be only obtained when the metallic melts are rapidly cooled to bypass the nucleation and growth of crystals. Most of the commonly known and used processing routes, such as casting, melt spinning or gas atomization, have intrinsic limitations regarding the complexity and dimensions of the geometries. Here, it is shown that selective laser melting (SLM), which is usually used to process conventional metallic alloys and polymers, can be applied to implement complex geometries and components from an Fe-base metallic glass. This approach is in principle viable for a large variety of metallic alloys and paves the way for the novel synthesis of materials and the development of parts with advanced functional and structural properties without limitations in size and intricacy.
Residual Layer Removal of Technical Glass Resulting from Reactive Atmospheric Plasma Jet Etching by Pulsed Laser Irradiation
2020, Kazemi, Faezeh, Arnold, Thomas, Lorenz, Pierre, Ehrhardt, Martin, Zimmer, Klaus
Ultrahigh-precision machining of glass is indispensable for optical component fabrication and therefore for applications. In this regard, plasma jet assisted chemical etching technologies enable new fabrication processes for enhanced optical functionalities due to their deterministic localized machining capabilities. This technique has been successfully applied to fused silica and silicon. However, applications require specific glass properties are related to complex material compositions of the glass. Hence, reactive plasma etching of these optical glasses is a challenging task. For instance, etching of metal oxide containing glass like N-BK7 by a fluorine-based reactive atmospheric plasma jet (RAPJ) exhibits currently limitations due to the formation of non-volatile reaction products that remain on the glass surface as a layer. Therefore, a procedure consisting of RAPJ etching and laser ablation is proposed for the machining of N-BK7. The capability of laser-based removal of residual layers is compared to water-based solving of the residual layer. After RAPJ etching of N-BK7 using a CF4–O2 gas mixture with an average microwave power of 16 W, the samples are cleaned either by a water-based solvent or by the ablation with a nanosecond-pulsed ultraviolet laser. The laser irradiation with fluences of 2.8 J/cm2 results in a localized removal of the residual layer. It is demonstrated that the roughness of the laser-cleaned N-BK7 surface is similarly low as solvent-based cleaned samples but the pulsed laser enhanced cleaning allows a dry processing at atmospheric pressure as well as a localized processing with a high lateral resolution.
Modified powder-in-tube technique based on the consolidation processing of powder materials for fabricating specialty optical fibers
2014, Auguste, J.-L., Humbert, G., Leparmentier, S., Kudinova, M., Martin, P.-O., Delaizir, G., Schuster, K., Litzkendorf, D.
The objective of this paper is to demonstrate the interest of a consolidation process associated with the powder-in-tube technique in order to fabricate a long length of specialty optical fibers. This so-called Modified Powder-in-Tube (MPIT) process is very flexible and paves the way to multimaterial optical fiber fabrications with different core and cladding glassy materials. Another feature of this technique lies in the sintering of the preform under reducing or oxidizing atmosphere. The fabrication of such optical fibers implies different constraints that we have to deal with, namely chemical species diffusion or mechanical stress due to the mismatches between thermal expansion coefficients and working temperatures of the fiber materials. This paper focuses on preliminary results obtained with a lanthano-aluminosilicate glass used as the core material for the fabrication of all-glass fibers or specialty Photonic Crystal Fibers (PCFs). To complete the panel of original microstructures now available by the MPIT technique, we also present several optical fibers in which metallic particles or microwires are included into a silica-based matrix.
Quasi-static and dynamic deformation behaviour of Zr-based bulk metallic glass
2013, Nekouie, V., Kühn, U., Roy, A., Silberschmidt, V.
Nano- and micro-indentation studies were carried out to characterise a plasticity mechanism through the evolution of localised shear bands that drive material's deformation at sub-micron length scale. Initial deformation of Zr-based bulk metallic glass (BMG) was investigated with nanoindentation tests using a spherical indenter. The indentation cycle reflects an elastic deformation with the yielding load of approx. 3 mN. For designed cycling indentation, hardening and softening phenomena were observed in nano- and micro-indentations, respectively. High-precision dynamic mechanical relaxation measurements were performed using a Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer (DMA), on decreasing frequency from 160 Hz to 0.1 Hz. A mechanical response of the BMG surface to a concentrated impact load was also studied. The obtained results indicated that the studied Zr-based BMG behaved as an elastic-perfectly plastic material at macroscale with discrete plasticity events at smaller length scales.
Effect of geometrical constraint condition on the formation of nanoscale twins in the Ni-based metallic glass composite
2014, Lee, M.H., Kim, B.S., Kim, D.H., Ott, R.T., Sansoz, F., Eckert, J.
We investigated the effect of geometrically constrained stress-strain conditions on the formation of nanotwins in -brass phase reinforced Ni59Zr20 Ti16 Si2 Sn3 metallic glass (MG) matrix deformed under macroscopic uniaxial compression. The specific geometrically constrained conditions in the samples lead to a deviation from a simple uniaxial state to a multi-axial stress state, for which nanocrystallization in the MG matrix together with nanoscale twinning of the brass reinforcement is observed in localized regions during plastic flow. The nanocrystals in the MG matrix and the appearance of the twinned structure in the reinforcements indicate that the strain energy is highly confined and the local stress reaches a very high level upon yielding. Both the effective distribution of reinforcements on the strain enhancement of composite and the effects of the complicated stress states on the development of nanotwins in the second-phase brass particles are discussed.