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Quantifying ligand-cell interactions and determination of the surface concentrations of ligands on hydrogel films: The measurement challenge

2015, Beer, Meike V., Hahn, Kathrin, Diederichs, Sylvia, Fabry, Marlies, Singh, Smriti, Spencer, Steve J., Salber, Jochen, Möller, Martin, Shard, Alexander G., Groll, Jürgen

Hydrogels are extensively studied for biomaterials application as they provide water swollen noninteracting matrices in which specific binding motifs and enzyme-sensitive degradation sites can be incorporated to tailor cell adhesion, proliferation, and migration. Hydrogels also serve as excellent basis for surface modification of biomaterials where interfacial characteristics are decisive for implant success or failure. However, the three-dimensional nature of hydrogels makes it hard to distinguish between the bioactive ligand density at the hydrogel-cell interface that is able to interact with cells and the ligands that are immobilized inside the hydrogel and not accessible for cells. Here, the authors compare x-ray photoelectron spectrometry (XPS), time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectroscopy (ToF-SIMS), enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and the correlation with quantitative cell adhesion using primary human dermal fibroblasts (HDF) to gain insight into ligand distribution. The authors show that although XPS provides the most useful quantitative analysis, it lacks the sensitivity to measure biologically meaningful concentrations of ligands. However, ToF-SIMS is able to access this range provided that there are clearly distinguishable secondary ions and a calibration method is found. Detection by ELISA appears to be sensitive to the ligand density on the surface that is necessary to mediate cell adhesion, but the upper limit of detection coincides closely with the minimal ligand spacing required to support cell proliferation. Radioactive measurements and ELISAs were performed on amine reactive well plates as true 2D surfaces to estimate the ligand density necessary to allow cell adhesion onto hydrogel films. Optimal ligand spacing for HDF adhesion and proliferation on ultrathin hydrogel films was determined as 6.5 ± 1.5 nm.

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Modified bibenzimidazole ligands as spectator ligands in photoactive molecular functional Ru-polypyridine units? Implications from spectroscopy

2014, Meyer-Ilse, J., Bauroth, S., Bräutigam, M., Schmitt, M., Popp, J., Beckert, R., Rockstroh, N., Pilz, T.D., Monczak, K., Heinemann, F.W., Rau, S., Dietzek, B.

The photophysical properties of Ruthenium-bipyridine complexes bearing a bibenzimidazole ligand were investigated. The nitrogens on the bibenzimidazole-ligand were protected, by adding either a phenylene group or a 1,2-ethandiyl group, to remove the photophysical dependence of the complex on the protonation state of the bibenzimidazole ligand. This protection results in the bibenzimidazole ligand contributing to the MLCT transition, which is experimentally evidenced by (resonance) Raman scattering in concert with DFT calculations for a detailed mode assignment in the (resonance) Raman spectra.

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Ligand electronic fine-tuning and its repercussion on the photocatalytic activity and mechanistic pathways of the copper-photocatalysed aza-Henry reaction

2020, Li, Chenfei, Dickson, Robert, Rockstroh, Nils, Rabeah, Jabor, Cordes, David B., Slawin, Alexandra M.Z., Hünemörder, Paul, Spannenberg, Anke, Bühl, Michael, Mejía, Esteban, Zysman-Colman, Eli, Kamer, Paul C.J.

A family of six structurally related heteroleptic copper(i) complexes of the form of [Cu(N^N)(P^P)]+ bearing a 2,9-dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline diimine (N^N) ligand and a series of electronically tunable xantphos (P^P) ligands have been synthesized and their optoelectronic properties characterized. The reactivity of these complexes in the copper-photocatalyzed aza-Henry reaction of N-phenyltetrahydroisoquinoline was evaluated, while the related excited state kinetics were comprehensively studied. By subtlety changing the electron-donating properties of the P^P ligands with negligible structural differences, we could tailor the photoredox properties and relate them to the reactivity. Moreover, depending on the exited-state redox potential of the catalysts, the preferred mechanism can shift between reductive quenching, energy transfer and oxidative quenching pathways. A combined study of the structural modulation of copper(i) photocatalysts, optoelectronic properties and photocatalytic reactivity resulted in a clearer understanding of both the rational design of the photocatalyst and the complexity of competing photoinduced electron and energy transfer mechanisms. © The Royal Society of Chemistry.

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Magnetic anisotropy of endohedral lanthanide ions: paramagnetic NMR study of MSc2N@C80-Ih with M running through the whole 4f row

2015, Zhang, Y., Krylov, D., Rosenkranz, M., Schiemenz, S., Popov, A. A.

Paramagnetic and variable temperature 13C and 45Sc nuclear magnetic resonance studies are performed for nitride clusterfullerenes MSc2N@C80 with icosahedral Ih(7) carbon cage, where M runs through all lanthanides forming nitride clusters. The influence of the endohedral lanthanide ions on the NMR spectral pattern is carefully followed, and dramatic differences are found in peak positions and line widths. Thus, 13C lines broaden from 0.01–0.02 ppm in diamagnetic MSc2N@C80 molecules (M = La, Y, Lu) to several ppm in TbSc2N@C80 and DySc2N@C80. Direction of the paramagnetic shift depends on the shape of the 4f electron density in corresponding lanthanide ions. In TmSc2N@C80 and ErSc2N@C80 with prolate 4f-density of lanthanide ions, 13C signals are shifted down-field, whereas 45Sc peaks are shifted up-field versus diamagnetic values. In all other MSc2N@C80 molecules lanthanide ions have oblate-shaped 4f electron density, and the lanthanide-induced shift is negative for 13C and positive for 45Sc peaks. Analysis of the pseudocontact and contact contributions to chemical shifts revealed that the pseudocontact term dominates both in 13C and 45Sc NMR spectra, although contact shifts for 13C signals are also considerable. Point charge computations of the ligand field splitting are performed to explain experimental results, and showed reasonable agreement with experimental pseudocontact shifts. Nitrogen atom bearing large negative charge and located close to the lanthanide ion results in large magnetic anisotropy of lanthanide ions in nitride clusterfullerenes with quasi-uniaxial ligand field.

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Metal–ligand cooperative activation of nitriles by a ruthenium complex with a de-aromatized PNN pincer ligand

2016, Eijsink, Linda E., Perdriau, Sébastien C. P., de Vries, Johannes G., Otten, Edwin

The pincer complex (PNN)RuH(CO), with a de-aromatized pyridine in the ligand backbone, is shown to react with nitriles in a metal–ligand cooperative manner. This leads to the formation of a series of complexes with new Ru–N(nitrile) and C(ligand)–C(nitrile) bonds. The initial nitrile cycloaddition products, the ketimido complexes 3, have a Brønsted basic (nitrile-derived) Ru–N fragment. This is able to deprotonate a CH2 side-arm of the pincer ligand to give ketimine complexes (4) with a de-aromatized pyridine backbone. Alternatively, the presence of a CH2 group adjacent to the nitrile functionality can lead to tautomerization to an enamido complex (5). Variable-temperature NMR studies and DFT calculations provide insight in the relative stability of these compounds and highlight the importance of their facile interconversion in the context of subsequent nitrile transformations.

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Mixed-ligand lanthanide complexes supported by ditopic bis(imino-methyl)-phenol/calix[4]arene macrocycles: synthesis, structures, and luminescence properties of [Ln2(L2)(MeOH)2] (Ln = La, Eu, Tb, Yb)

2020, Ullmann, Steve, Hahn, Peter, Mini, Parvathy, Tuck, Kellie L., Kahnt, Axel, Abel, Bernd, Gutierrez Suburu, Matias E., Strassert, Cristian A., Kersting, Berthold

The lanthanide binding ability of a macrocyclic ligand H6L2 comprising two bis(iminomethyl)phenol and two calix[4]arene units has been studied. H6L2 is a ditopic ligand which provides dinuclear neutral complexes of composition [Ln2(L2)(MeOH)2] (Ln = La (1), Eu (2), Tb (3), and Yb (4)) in very good yield. X-ray crystal structure analyses for 2 and 3 show that (L2)6- accommodates two seven coordinated lanthanide ions in a distorted monocapped trigonal prismatic/octahedral coordination environment. UV-vis spectroscopic titrations performed with La3+, Eu3+, Tb3+ and Yb3+ ions in mixed MeOH/CH2Cl2 solution (I = 0.01 M NBu4PF6) reveal that a 2 : 1 (metal : ligand) stoichiometry is present in solution, with log K11 and K21 values ranging from 5.25 to 6.64. The ratio α = K11/K21 of the stepwise formation constants for the mononuclear (L2 + M = ML2, log K11) and the dinuclear complexes (ML2 + M = M2L2, log K21) was found to be invariably smaller than unity indicating that the binding of the first Ln3+ ion augments the binding of the second Ln3+ ion. The present complexes are less luminescent than other seven-coordinated Eu and Tb complexes, which can be traced to vibrational relaxation of excited EuIII and TbIII states by the coligated MeOH and H2O molecules and/or low-lying ligand-to-metal charge-transfer (LMCT) states. © 2020 The Royal Society of Chemistry.

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Origins of high catalyst loading in copper(i)-catalysed Ullmann-Goldberg C-N coupling reactions

2017, Sherborne, Grant J., Adomeit, Sven, Menzel, Robert, Rabeah, Jabor, Brückner, Angelika, Fielding, Mark R., Willans, Charlotte E., Nguyen, Bao N.

A mechanistic investigation of Ullmann-Goldberg reactions using soluble and partially soluble bases led to the identification of various pathways for catalyst deactivation through (i) product inhibition with amine products, (ii) by-product inhibition with inorganic halide salts, and (iii) ligand exchange by soluble carboxylate bases. The reactions using partially soluble inorganic bases showed variable induction periods, which are responsible for the reproducibility issues in these reactions. Surprisingly, more finely milled Cs2CO3 resulted in a longer induction period due to the higher concentration of the deprotonated amine/amide, leading to suppressed catalytic activity. These results have significant implications on future ligand development for the Ullmann-Goldberg reaction and on the solid form of the inorganic base as an important variable with mechanistic ramifications in many catalytic reactions.

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Dinuclear lanthanide complexes supported by a hybrid salicylaldiminato/calix[4]arene-ligand: Synthesis, structure, and magnetic and luminescence properties of (HNEt3)[Ln2(HL)(L)] (Ln = SmIII, EuIII, GdIII, TbIII)

2019, Ullmann, Steve, Hahn, Peter, Blömer, Laura, Mehnert, Anne, Laube, Christian, Abel, Bernd, Kersting, Berthold

The synthesis, structures, and properties of a new calix[4]arene ligand with an appended salicylaldimine unit (H4L = 25-[2-((2-methylphenol)imino)ethoxy]-26,27,28-trihydroxy-calix[4]arene) and four lanthanide complexes (HNEt3)[Ln2(HL)(L)] (Ln = SmIII (4), EuIII (5), GdIII (6), and TbIII (7)) are reported. X-ray crystallographic analysis (for 4 and 6) reveals an isostructural series of dimeric complexes with a triply-bridged NO3Ln(μ-O)2(OH⋯O)LnO3N core and two seven coordinated lanthanide ions. According to UV-vis spectrometric titrations in MeCN and ESI-MS the dimeric nature is maintained in solution. The apparent stability constants range between logK = 5.8 and 6.3. The appended salicylaldimines sensitize EuIII and TbIII emission (λexc 311 nm) in the solid state or immersed in a polycarbonate glass at 77 K (for 5, 7) and at 295 K (for 7). © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019.

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Covalency versus magnetic axiality in Nd molecular magnets: Nd-photoluminescence, strong ligand-field, and unprecedented nephelauxetic effect in fullerenes NdM2N@C80 (M = Sc, Lu, Y)

2023, Yang, Wei, Rosenkranz, Marco, Velkos, Georgios, Ziegs, Frank, Dubrovin, Vasilii, Schiemenz, Sandra, Spree, Lukas, de Souza Barbosa, Matheus Felipe, Guillemard, Charles, Valvidares, Manuel, Büchner, Bernd, Liu, Fupin, Avdoshenko, Stanislav M., Popov, Alexey A.

Nd-based nitride clusterfullerenes NdM2N@C80 with rare-earth metals of different sizes (M = Sc, Y, Lu) were synthesized to elucidate the influence of the cluster composition, shape and internal strain on the structural and magnetic properties. Single crystal X-ray diffraction revealed a very short Nd-N bond length in NdSc2N@C80. For Lu and Y analogs, the further shortening of the Nd-N bond and pyramidalization of the NdM2N cluster are predicted by DFT calculations as a result of the increased cluster size and a strain caused by the limited size of the fullerene cage. The short distance between Nd and nitride ions leads to a very large ligand-field splitting of Nd3+ of 1100-1200 cm−1, while the variation of the NdM2N cluster composition and concomitant internal strain results in the noticeable modulation of the splitting, which could be directly assessed from the well-resolved fine structure in the Nd-based photoluminescence spectra of NdM2N@C80 clusterfullerenes. Photoluminescence measurements also revealed an unprecedentedly strong nephelauxetic effect, pointing to a high degree of covalency. The latter appears detrimental to the magnetic axiality despite the strong ligand field. As a result, the ground magnetic state has considerable transversal components of the pseudospin g-tensor, and the slow magnetic relaxation of NdSc2N@C80 could be observed by AC magnetometry only in the presence of a magnetic field. A combination of the well-resolved magneto-optical states and slow relaxation of magnetization suggests that Nd clusterfullerenes can be useful building blocks for magneto-photonic quantum technologies.

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Cooperative catalytic methoxycarbonylation of alkenes: Uncovering the role of palladium complexes with hemilabile ligands

2018, Dong, Kaiwu, Sang, Rui, Wei, Zhihong, Liu, Jie, Dühren, Ricarda, Spannenberg, Anke, Jiao, Haijun, Neumann, Helfried, Jackstell, Ralf, Franke, Robert, Beller, Matthias

Mechanistic studies of the catalyst [Pd2(dba)3/1,1′-bis(tert-butyl(pyridin-2-yl)phosphanyl)ferrocene, L2] for olefin alkoxycarbonylation reactions are described. X-ray crystallography reveals the coordination of the pyridyl nitrogen atom in L2 to the palladium center of the catalytic intermediates. DFT calculations on the elementary steps of the industrially relevant carbonylation of ethylene (the Lucite α-process) indicate that the protonated pyridyl moiety is formed immediately, which facilitates the formation of the active palladium hydride complex. The insertion of ethylene and CO into this intermediate leads to the corresponding palladium acyl species, which is kinetically reversible. Notably, this key species is stabilized by the hemilabile coordination of the pyridyl nitrogen atom in L2. The rate-determining alcoholysis of the acyl palladium complex is substantially facilitated by metal-ligand cooperation. Specifically, the deprotonation of the alcohol by the built-in base of the ligand allows a facile intramolecular nucleophilic attack on the acyl palladium species concertedly. Kinetic measurements support this mechanistic proposal and show that the rate of the carbonylation step is zero-order dependent on ethylene and CO. Comparing CH3OD and CH3OH as nucleophiles suggests the involvement of (de)protonation in the rate-determining step.