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Melt mixed composites of polypropylene with singlewalled carbon nanotubes for thermoelectric applications: Switching from p- to n-type behavior by additive addition
2019, Pötschke; Petra, Krause, Beate, Luo, Jinji
Composites were prepared with polypropylene (PP) as the matrix and singlewalled CNTs (SWCNTs) of the type TUBALL from OCSiAl Ltd. as the conducting component by melt processing in a small-scale twin-screw compounder. In order to switch the typical p-type behavior of such composites from positive Seebeck coefficients (S) into n-type behavior with negative Seebeck coefficients, a non-ionic surfactant polyoxyethylene 20 cetyl ether (Brij58) was used and compared with a PEG additive, which was shown previously to be able to induce such switching. For PP-2 wt% SWCNT composites Brij58 is shown to result in n-type composites. The negative S values (up to −48.2 µV/K) are not as high as in the case of previous results using PEG (−56.6 µV/K). However, due to the more pronounced effect of Brij58 on the electrical conductivity, the achieved power factors are higher and reach a maximum of 0.144 µW/(m·K2) compared to previous 0.078 µW/(m·K2) with PEG. Dispersion improvement depends on the type of SWCNTs obtained by using varied synthesis/treatment conditions. Solution prepared composites of PEG with SWCNTs also have negative S values, indicating the donation of electrons from PEG to the SWCNTs. However, such composites are brittle and not suitable as thermoelectric materials.
Polymer - Carbon nanotube composites for thermoelectric applications
2017, Luo, J., Krause, Beate, Pötschke, Petra
The thermoelectric (TE) performance of electrically conductive thermoplastic composites prepared by melt mixing was investigated. A cost effective widely used in industry polymer, namely polypropylene (PP), was chosen as the matrix to fabricate the composites. Singlewalled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs), the amount (2 wt%) of which was selected to be above the electrical percolation threshold (< 0.2 wt%), were used to form an electrical conducting network. Besides as-produced SWCNTs plasma modified tubes were employed to study the influence of the functionalization on the morphology, dispersion and TE properties of the PP composites. In addition, melt processing conditions, e.g. temperature, rotation speed, and time during mixing in a small-scale compounder were varied. Furthermore, an ionic liquid (IL, 1-methyl-3-octylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate) was used as a processing additive during melt mixing, which was confirmed to improve the electrical conductivity of the composites. Simultaneous increase in the Seebeck coefficient up to a value of 64 μV/K was recorded, leading to a much better power factor of 0.26 μW/(m·K2) compared to composites without IL. This melt mixing strategy opens new avenues for solvent-free, large scale fabrication of polymer based TE materials.
Effect of synthesis catalyst on structure of nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes and electrical conductivity and electromagnetic interference shielding of their polymeric nanocomposites
2016, Arjmand, Mohammad, Chizari, Kambiz, Krause, Beate, Pötschke, Petra, Sundararaj, Uttandaraman
Different catalysts including Co, Fe, and Ni were used to synthesize nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes (N-CNTs) by chemical vapor deposition technique. Synthesized N-CNTs were melt mixed with a polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) matrix using a small scale mixer at different concentrations ranging from 0.3 to 3.5 wt%, and then compression molded. The characterization techniques revealed significant differences in the synthesis yield and the morphological and electrical properties of both N-CNTs and nanocomposites depending on the catalyst type. Whereas Co and Fe resulted in yields comparable to industrial multiwalled CNTs, Ni was much less effective. The N-CNT aspect ratio was the highest for Co catalyst, followed by Ni and Fe, whereas nitrogen content was the highest for Ni. Raman spectroscopy revealed lowest defect number and highest N-CNT crystallinity for Fe catalyst. Characterization of N-CNT/PVDF nanocomposites showed better dispersion for N-CNTs based on Co and Fe as compared to Ni, and the following order of electrical conductivity and electromagnetic interference shielding (from high to low): Co > Fe > Ni. The superior electrical properties of (N-CNT)Co nanocomposites were ascribed to a combination of high synthesis yield, high aspect ratio, low nitrogen content and high crystallinity of N-CNTs combined with a good state of N-CNT dispersion.
MWCNT induced negative real permittivity in a copolyester of Bisphenol-A with terephthalic and isophthalic acids
2020, Özdemir, Zeynep Güven, Daşdan, Dolunay Şakar, Kavak, Pelin, Pionteck, Jürgen, Pötschke, Petra, Voit, Brigitte, SüngüMısırlıoğlu, Banu
In the present study, the negative real permittivity behavior of a copolyester of bisphenol-A with terephthalic acid and isophthalic acid (PAr) containing 1.5 to 7.5 wt% multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) have been investigated in detail. The structural and morphological analysis of the melt-mixed composites was performed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy using attenuated total reflection (FTIR-ATR), atomic force microscopy (AFM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and light microscopy. The influences of the MWCNT filler on the AC impedance, complex permittivity, and AC conductivity of the PAr polymer matrix were investigated at different operating temperatures varied between 296 K and 373 K. The transition from a negative to positive real permittivity was observed at different crossover frequencies depending on the MWCNT content of the composites whereas pure PAr showed positive values at all frequencies. The negative real permittivity characteristic of the composites was discussed in the context of Drude model. © 2020 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd.
Effect of additives on MWCNT dispersion and electrical percolation in polyamide 12 composites
2017, Socher, Robert, Krause, Beate, Pötschke, Petra
The aim of this study was to decrease the electrical percolation threshold of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) in a polyamide 12 matrix by the use of additives. Different kinds of additives were selected which either interact with the π-system of the MWCNTs (imidazolium based ionic liquid (IL) and perylene-3,4,9,10-tetracarboxylic dianhydride (PTCDA)) or improve the MWCNT wettability (cyclic butylene terephthalate, CBT). The composites were melt mixed using a DACA microcompounder. The electrical percolation threshold for PA12/MWCNT without additives, measured on compression molded plates, was found between 2.0 and 2.25 wt%. With all used additives, a significant reduction of the electrical percolation threshold could be achieved. Whereas the addition of IL and CBT resulted in MWCNT percolation at around 1.0 wt%, a slightly higher percolation threshold between 1.0 and 1.5 wt% was found for PTCDA as an additive. Interestingly, the electrical resistivity at higher loadings was decreased by nearly two decades when using CBT and one decade after application of PTCDA, whereas IL did not contribute to lower values in this range. In all cases macrodispersion as assessed by light microscopy was not improved and even worse as compared to non-modified composites. In summary, the results illustrate that these kinds of additives are able to improve the performance of PA12 based MWCNT nanocomposites.
Influence of mixing conditions on carbon nanotube shortening and curling in polycarbonate composites
2017, Krause, Beate, Carval, J., Pötschke, Petra
Polycarbonate composites containing multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs, 0.2-2.0 wt%) were melt mixed in small scale at different conditions of screw speed and mixing time to vary the specific mechanical energy (SME) input between 0.4 and 4.0 kWh/kg. Next to the electrical properties of compression molded plates and the MWCNT macrodispersion also the nanotube length and shape were analyzed. For this, the matrix of the composites with 0.75 wt% MWCNT loading was dissolved and the remaining nanotubes were investigated using TEM. It was found that with increasing SME input the number of remaining CNT agglomerates decreases. The MWCNT length decreased from initially about 1.4 micrometers towards 350 nanometers at a SME of 4 kWh/kg and the mean curling values were also reduced. The electrical percolation threshold increases with SME from about 0.4 wt% to 0.6 wt%.
Correlation of carbon nanotube dispersability in aqueous surfactant solutions and polymers
2009, Krause, Beate, Petzold, Gudrun, Pegel, Sven, Pötschke, Petra
In order to assess the dispersability of carbon nanotube materials, tubes produced under different synthesis conditions were dispersed in aqueous surfactant solutions and the sedimentation behaviour under centrifugation forces was investigated using a LUMiFuge stability analyzer. The electrical percolation threshold of the nanotubes after melt mixing in polyamide 6.6 was determined and the state of dispersion was studied. As a general tendency, the nanotubes having better aqueous dispersion stability showed lower electrical percolation threshold and better nanotube dispersion in the composites. This indicates that the investigation of the stability of aqueous dispersions is also able to give information about the nanotubes inherent dispersability in polymer melts, both strongly influenced by the entanglement and agglomerate structure of the tubes within the as-produced nanotube materials. The shape of the nanotubes in the aqueous dispersions was assessed using a SYSMEX flow particle image analyzer and found to correspond to the shape observed from cryofractured surfaces of the polymer composites. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Influence of a supplemental filler in twin-screw extruded PP/CNT composites using masterbatch dilution
2019, Müller, Michael Thomas, Krause, Beate, Kretzschmar, Bernd, Pötschke, Petra
In this study commercially available multiwalled carbon nanotubes (2-8 wt.%) were incorporated in polypropylene (PP) by direct powder feeding or by a masterbatch dilution procedure using a twin-screw extruder. The influence of a supplemental, electrical non-conductive talc or electrically conductive carbon black (CB), filler on the resulting composite properties was investigated. In comparison to the direct carbon nanotube (CNT) incorporation the masterbatch dilution step resulted in improved CNT macro dispersion. The use of the supplemental fillers CB or talc does not show a significant influence on the CNT dispersion state. When compared to direct CNT incorporation, the second compounding process involved in masterbatch dilution leads to higher electrical resistivity of injection molded samples. On the other hand, the supplemental fillers talc or CB decreased the electrical resistivity values. With the addition of talc or CB an increase of the Young’s modulus due to the reinforcing effect of the second filler was achieved. However, no synergistic effect between the used supplemental fillers and the CNT on the mechanical properties was obtained.
Effects of synthesis catalyst and temperature on broadband dielectric properties of nitrogen-doped carbon nanotube/polyvinylidene fluoride nanocomposites
2016, Ameli, A., Arjmand, M., Pötschke, Petra, Krause, Beate, Sundararaj, U.
This study reports on nitrogen-doped carbon nanotube (N-CNT)/polymer nanocomposites exhibiting relatively high and frequency independent real permittivity (ϵ′) together with low dielectric loss (tan δ). N-CNTs were synthesized by chemical vapor deposition, and their nanocomposites were prepared by melt-mixing with polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF). In the synthesis of N-CNTs, three catalysts of Co, Fe and Ni, and three temperatures of 650, 750 and 950 °C were employed. The morphology, aspect ratio, synthesis yield, remaining residue, nitrogen content, nitrogen bonding type, and powder conductivity of N-CNTs, and the morphology, polar crystalline phase, and broadband dielectric properties of N-CNT/PVDF nanocomposites were investigated. The results revealed that by proper selection of synthesis catalyst (Fe) and temperature (650 °C and 950 °C), nitrogen doping generated polarizable nanotubes via providing local polarization sites, and resulted in nanocomposites with favorable dielectric properties for charge storage applications at N-CNT loadings as low as 1.0 wt%. As a result, 3.5 wt% (N-CNT)Fe/950°C/PVDF nanocomposites exhibited an insulative behavior with ϵ' = 23.12 and tan δ = 0.05 at 1 kHz, a combination superior to that of PVDF, i.e., ϵ' = 8.4 and tan δ = 0.03 and to those of percolative nanocomposites, e.g., ϵ' = 71.20 and tan δ = 63.20 for 3.5 wt% (N-CNT)Fe/750°C/PVDF. Also, the relationships between the dielectric properties, N-CNT structure, and nanocomposite morphology were identified.
Combining carbon nanotubes and chitosan for the vectorization of methotrexate to lung cancer cells
2019, Cirillo, G., Vittorio, O., Kunhardt, D., Valli, E., Voli, F., Farfalla, A., Curcio, M., Spizzirri, U.G., Hampel, S.
A hybrid system composed of multi-walled carbon nanotubes coated with chitosan was proposed as a pH-responsive carrier for the vectorization of methotrexate to lung cancer. The effective coating of the carbon nanostructure by chitosan, quantified (20% by weight) by thermogravimetric analysis, was assessed by combined scanning and transmission electron microscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (N1s signal), respectively. Furthermore, Raman spectroscopy was used to characterize the interaction between polysaccharide and carbon counterparts. Methotrexate was physically loaded onto the nanohybrid and the release profiles showed a pH-responsive behavior with higher and faster release in acidic (pH 5.0) vs. neutral (pH 7.4) environments. Empty nanoparticles were found to be highly biocompatible in either healthy (MRC-5) or cancerous (H1299) cells, with the nanocarrier being effective in reducing the drug toxicity on MRC-5 while enhancing the anticancer activity on H1299.
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