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    Commingled Yarn Spinning for Thermoplastic/Glass Fiber Composites
    (Basel : MDPI, 2017) Wiegand, Niclas; Mäder, Edith
    Online commingled yarns were spun with three different polymeric matrices, namely polypropylene (PP), polyamide (PA) and polylactic acid (PLA) and glass fibers. Tailored sizings were applied for the three matrices and the resulting mechanical performance of unidirectional composites was evaluated and compared. Significant improvements in the fiber/matrix bonding were achieved by employed sizing chemistry in order to achieve multifunctional interphases. The pure silane coupling agents provide the best performance for all matrices investigated. However, an additional film former has to be added in order to achieve fiber processing. Film formers compatible to the matrices investigated were adapted. The consolidation behavior during isothermal molding was investigated for polypropylene matrix. Different fiber volume contents could be realized and the resulting mechanical properties were tested.
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    Barrier properties of GnP-PA-extruded films
    (Basel : MDPI, 2020) Boldt, Regine; Leuteritz, Andreas; Schob, Daniela; Ziegenhorn, Matthias; Wagenknecht, Udo
    It is generally known that significant improvements in the properties of nanocomposites can be achieved with graphene types currently commercially available. However, so far this is only possible on a laboratory scale. Thus, the aim of this study was to transfer results from laboratory scale experiments to industrial processes. Therefore, nanocomposites based on polyamide (PA) and graphene nanoplatelets (GnP) were prepared in order to produce membranes with improved gas barrier properties, which are characterized by reduced permeation rates of helium. First, nanocomposites were prepared with different amounts of commercial availably graphene nanoplatelets using a semi-industrial-scale compounder. Subsequently, films were produced by compression molding at different temperatures, as well as by flat film extrusion. The extruded films were annealed at different temperatures and durations. In order to investigate the effect of thermal treatment on barrier properties in correlation to thermal, structural, and morphological properties, the films were characterized by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), wide angle X-ray scattering (WAXS), optical microscopy (OM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), melt rheology measurements, and permeation measurements. In addition to structural characterization, mechanical properties were investigated. The results demonstrate that the permeation rate is strongly influenced by the processing conditions and the filler content. If the filler content is increased, the permeation rate is reduced. The annealing process can further enhance this effect.
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    The influence of the blend ratio in PA6/PA66/MWCNT blend composites on the electrical and thermal properties
    (Basel : MDPI, 2019) Krause, Beate; Kroschwald, Lisa; Pötschke, Petra
    It is known that the percolation threshold of polyamide 6 (PA6)/multiwalled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) composites is higher than that of PA66/MWCNT composites under the same mixing conditions and melt viscosity. A series of blends of PA6 and PA66 containing 1 wt % MWCNTs have been prepared to investigate this phenomenon. At contents up to 20 wt % PA66, the blends were not electrically conductive. The electrical resistivity dropped to 109 Ohm∙cm for PA66/PA6 30/70 blends. The resistivity was 105 Ohm∙cm at higher PA66 contents. Differential scanning calorimetry was used to investigate the thermal behavior of blends. The glass transition temperature was almost constant for all blend compositions, indicating that the amorphous phases are miscible. The MWCNT addition influenced the crystallization of PA66 much more than the PA6 crystallization. A heterogeneous crystallization of the polyamide in PA66/PA6 blends took place, and the MWCNTs were mainly localized in the earlier crystallizing PA66 phase. Thus, the formation of the nanotube network and thus the electrical volume resistivity of the PA6/PA66 blends with 1 wt % MWCNTs is significantly influenced by the crystallization behavior. In PA66/PA6 blends up to 60 wt %, the more expensive PA66 can be replaced by the cheaper PA6 while retaining its electrical properties