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    In vitro model of metastasis to bone marrow mediates prostate cancer castration resistant growth through paracrine and extracellular matrix factors
    (San Francisco, CA : Public Library of Science, 2012) Lescarbeau, R.M.; Seib, F.P.; Prewitz, M.; Werner, C.; Kaplan, D.L.
    The spread of prostate cancer cells to the bone marrow microenvironment and castration resistant growth are key steps in disease progression and significant sources of morbidity. However, the biological significance of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and bone marrow derived extracellular matrix (BM-ECM) in this process is not fully understood. We therefore established an in vitro engineered bone marrow tissue model that incorporates hMSCs and BM-ECM to facilitate mechanistic studies of prostate cancer cell survival in androgen-depleted media in response to paracrine factors and BM-ECM. hMSC-derived paracrine factors increased LNCaP cell survival, which was in part attributed to IGFR and IL6 signaling. In addition, BM-ECM increased LNCaP and MDA-PCa-2b cell survival in androgen-depleted conditions, and induced chemoresistance and morphological changes in LNCaPs. To determine the effect of BM-ECM on cell signaling, the phosphorylation status of 46 kinases was examined. Increases in the phosphorylation of MAPK pathway-related proteins as well as sustained Akt phosphorylation were observed in BM-ECM cultures when compared to cultures grown on plasma-treated polystyrene. Blocking MEK1/2 or the PI3K pathway led to a significant reduction in LNCaP survival when cultured on BM-ECM in androgen-depleted conditions. The clinical relevance of these observations was determined by analyzing Erk phosphorylation in human bone metastatic prostate cancer versus non-metastatic prostate cancer, and increased phosphorylation was seen in the metastatic samples. Here we describe an engineered bone marrow model that mimics many features observed in patients and provides a platform for mechanistic in vitro studies.
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    Multifunctional coatings combining bioactive peptides and affinity-based cytokine delivery for enhanced integration of degradable vascular grafts
    (Cambridge : Royal Soc. of Chemistry, 2020) Clauder, Franziska; Zitzmann, Franziska D.; Friebe, Sabrina; Mayr, Stefan G.; Robitzki, Andrea A.; Beck-Sickinger, Annette G.
    Insufficient endothelialization of cardiovascular devices is a high-risk factor for implant failure. Presentation of extracellular matrix (ECM)-derived coatings is a well-known strategy to improve implant integration. However, the complexity of the system is challenging and strategies for applying multifunctionality are required. Here, we engineered mussel-derived surface-binding peptides equipped with integrin (c[RGDfK]) and proteoglycan binding sites (FHRRIKA) for enhanced endothelialization. Surface-binding properties of the platform containing l-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) residues were confirmed for hydrophilized polycaprolactone-co-lactide scaffolds as well as for glass and polystyrene. Further, heparin and the heparin-binding angiogenic factors VEGF, FGF-2 and CXCL12 were immobilized onto the peptide in a modular assembly. Presentation of bioactive peptides greatly enhanced human umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVEC) adhesion and survival under static and fluidic conditions. In subsequent investigations, peptide-heparin-complexes loaded with CXCL12 or VEGF had an additional increasing effect on cell viability, differentiation and migration. Finally, hemocompatibility of the coatings was ensured. This study demonstrates that coatings combining adhesion peptides, glycosaminoglycans and modulators are a versatile tool to convey ECM-inspired multifunctionality to biomaterials and efficiently promote their integration. © 2020 The Royal Society of Chemistry.
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    Phenotypic, Morphological and Adhesive Differences of Human Hematopoietic Progenitor Cells Cultured on Murine versus Human Mesenchymal Stromal Cells
    ([London] : Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature, 2015) Reichert, Doreen; Friedrichs, Jens; Ritter, Steffi; Käubler, Theresa; Werner, Carsten; Bornhäuser, Martin; Corbeil, Denis
    Xenogenic transplantation models have been developed to study human hematopoiesis in immunocompromised murine recipients. They still have limitations and therefore it is important to delineate all players within the bone marrow that could account for species-specific differences. Here, we evaluated the proliferative capacity, morphological and physical characteristics of human CD34+ hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) after co-culture on murine or human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs). After seven days, human CD34+CD133– HSPCs expanded to similar extents on both feeder layers while cellular subsets comprising primitive CD34+CD133+ and CD133+CD34– phenotypes are reduced fivefold on murine MSCs. The number of migrating HSPCs was also reduced on murine cells suggesting that MSC adhesion influences cellular polarization of HSPC. We used atomic force microscopy-based single-cell force spectroscopy to quantify their adhesive interactions. We found threefold higher detachment forces of human HSPCs from murine MSCs compared to human ones. This difference is related to the N-cadherin expression level on murine MSCs since its knockdown abolished their differential adhesion properties with human HSPCs. Our observations highlight phenotypic, morphological and adhesive differences of human HSPCs when cultured on murine or human MSCs, which raise some caution in data interpretation when xenogenic transplantation models are used.