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    Detecting Bacteria on Wounds with Hyperspectral Imaging in Fluorescence Mode
    (Berlin : De Gruyter, 2020) Hornberger, Christoph.; Herrmann, Bert. H.; Daeschlein, Georg; Podewils, Sebastian von; Sicher, Claudia; Kuhn, Jana; Masur, Kai; Meister, Mareike; Wahl, Philip
    Chronic non-healing wounds represent an increasing problem. In order to enable physicians and nurses to make evidence based decisions on wound treatment, the professional societies call for supporting tools to be offered to physicians. Oxygen supply, bacteria colonization and other parameters influence the healing process. So far, these parameters cannot be monitored in an objective and routinely manner. Existing methods like the microbiological analysis of wound swabs, mean a great deal of effort and partly a long delay. In this paper 42 fluorescence images from 42 patients with diabetic foot ulcer, recorded with a hyperspectral imaging system (TIVITA®), converted for fluorescence imaging, were analysed. Beside the fluorescence images, information about the bacterial colonization is available from microbiological analysis of wound swabs. After preprocessing, principal component analysis, PCA, is used for data analysis with a 405 nm excitation wavelength, the emission wavelength range 510 - 745 nm is used for analysis. After dividing the data into a training and a test dataset it could be shown, that bacteria are detectable in the wound area. A quantification in bacterial colonization counts (BCC) was not in the focus of the research in this study stage.
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    Singlet-Oxygen Generation by Peroxidases and Peroxygenases for Chemoenzymatic Synthesis
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2020) Ingenbosch, Kim N.; Quint, Stephan; Dyllick-Brenzinger, Melanie; Wunschik, Dennis S.; Kiebist, Jan; Süss, Philipp; Liebelt, Ute; Zuhse, Ralf; Menyes, Ulf; Scheibner, Katrin; Mayer, Christian; Opwis, Klaus; Gutmann, Jochen S.; Hoffmann-Jacobsen, Kerstin
    Singlet oxygen is a reactive oxygen species undesired in living cells but a rare and valuable reagent in chemical synthesis. We present a fluorescence spectroscopic analysis of the singlet-oxygen formation activity of commercial peroxidases and novel peroxygenases. Singlet-oxygen sensor green (SOSG) is used as fluorogenic singlet oxygen trap. Establishing a kinetic model for the reaction cascade to the fluorescent SOSG endoperoxide permits a kinetic analysis of enzymatic singlet-oxygen formation. All peroxidases and peroxygenases show singlet-oxygen formation. No singlet oxygen activity could be found for any catalase under investigation. Substrate inhibition is observed for all reactive enzymes. The commercial dye-decolorizing peroxidase industrially used for dairy bleaching shows the highest singlet-oxygen activity and the lowest inhibition. This enzyme was immobilized on a textile carrier and successfully applied for a chemical synthesis. Here, ascaridole was synthesized via enzymatically produced singlet oxygen. © 2020 Wiley-VCH GmbH
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    The amino acid metabolism is essential for evading physical plasma-induced tumour cell death
    (Edinburgh : Nature Publ. Group, 2021) Gandhirajan, Rajesh Kumar; Meyer, Dorothee; Sagwal, Sanjeev Kumar; Weltmann, Klaus-Dieter; von Woedtke, Thomas; Bekeschus, Sander
    Background: Recent studies have emphasised the important role of amino acids in cancer metabolism. Cold physical plasma is an evolving technology employed to target tumour cells by introducing reactive oxygen species (ROS). However, limited understanding is available on the role of metabolic reprogramming in tumour cells fostering or reducing plasma-induced cancer cell death. Methods: The utilisation and impact of major metabolic substrates of fatty acid, amino acid and TCA pathways were investigated in several tumour cell lines following plasma exposure by qPCR, immunoblotting and cell death analysis. Results: Metabolic substrates were utilised in Panc-1 and HeLa but not in OVCAR3 and SK-MEL-28 cells following plasma treatment. Among the key genes governing these pathways, ASCT2 and SLC3A2 were consistently upregulated in Panc-1, Miapaca2GR, HeLa and MeWo cells. siRNA-mediated knockdown of ASCT2, glutamine depletion and pharmacological inhibition with V9302 sensitised HeLa cells to the plasma-induced cell death. Exogenous supplementation of glutamine, valine or tyrosine led to improved metabolism and viability of tumour cells following plasma treatment. Conclusion: These data suggest the amino acid influx driving metabolic reprogramming in tumour cells exposed to physical plasma, governing the extent of cell death. This pathway could be targeted in combination with existing anti-tumour agents. © 2021, The Author(s).