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Multicolor Mechanofluorophores for the Quantitative Detection of Covalent Bond Scission in Polymers

2021, Baumann, Christoph, Stratigaki, Maria, Centeno, Silvia P., Göstl, Robert

The fracture of polymer materials is a multiscale process starting with the scission of a single molecular bond advancing to a site of failure within the bulk. Quantifying the bonds broken during this process remains a big challenge yet would help to understand the distribution and dissipation of macroscopic mechanical energy. We here show the design and synthesis of fluorogenic molecular optical force probes (mechanofluorophores) covering the entire visible spectrum in both absorption and emission. Their dual fluorescent character allows to track non-broken and broken bonds in dissolved and bulk polymers by fluorescence spectroscopy and microscopy. Importantly, we develop an approach to determine the absolute number and relative fraction of intact and cleaved bonds with high local resolution. We anticipate that our mechanofluorophores in combination with our quantification methodology will allow to quantitatively describe fracture processes in materials ranging from soft hydrogels to high-performance polymers. © 2021 The Authors. Angewandte Chemie International Edition published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

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Distribution of cracks in a chain of atoms at low temperature

2020, Jansen, Sabine, König, Wolfgang, Schmidt, Bernd, Theil, Florian

We consider a one-dimensional classical many-body system with interaction potential of Lennard--Jones type in the thermodynamic limit at low temperature 1/β ∈ (0, ∞). The ground state is a periodic lattice. We show that when the density is strictly smaller than the density of the ground state lattice, the system with N particles fills space by alternating approximately crystalline domains (clusters) with empty domains (voids) due to cracked bonds. The number of domains is of the order of N exp(-β e surf /2) with e surf > 0 a surface energy.