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    International Conferences of Bibliometrics
    (München : De Gruyter Saur, 2021) Fraumann, Grischa; Mugnaino, Rogério; Sanz-Casado, Elías; Ball, Rafael
    Conferences are deeply connected to research fields, in this case bibliometrics. As such, they are a venue to present and discuss current and innovative research, and play an important role for the scholarly community. In this article, we provide an overview on the history of conferences in bibliometrics. We conduct an analysis to list the most prominent conferences that were announced in the newsletter by ISSI, the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics. Furthermore, we describe how conferences are connected to learned societies and journals. Finally, we provide an outlook on how conferences might change in future.
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    Charlemagne's summit canal: An early medieval hydro-engineering project for passing the Central European Watershed
    (San Francisco, CA : Public Library of Science, 2014) Zielhofer, C.; Leitholdt, E.; Werther, L.; Stele, A.; Bussmann, J.; Linzen, S.; Schneider, M.; Meyer, C.; Berg-Hobohm, S.; Ettel, P.
    The Central European Watershed divides the Rhine-Main catchment and the Danube catchment. In the Early Medieval period, when ships were important means of transportation, Charlemagne decided to link both catchments by the construction of a canal connecting the Schwabian Rezat and the Altmü hl rivers. The artificial waterway would provide a continuous inland navigation route from the North Sea to the Black Sea. The shortcut is known as Fossa Carolina and represents one of the most important Early Medieval engineering achievements in Europe. Despite the important geostrategic relevance of the construction it is not clarified whether the canal was actually used as a navigation waterway. We present new geophysical data and in situ findings from the trench fills that prove for the first time a total length of the constructed Carolingian canal of at least 2300 metres. We have evidence for a conceptual width of the artificial water course between 5 and 6 metres and a water depth of at least 60 to 80 cm. This allows a crossing way passage of Carolingian cargo scows with a payload of several tons. There is strong evidence for clayey to silty layers in the trench fills which reveal suspension load limited stillwater deposition and, therefore, the evidence of former Carolingian and post-Carolingian ponds. These findings are strongly supported by numerous sapropel layers within the trench fills. Our results presented in this study indicate an extraordinarily advanced construction level of the known course of the canal. Here, the excavated levels of Carolingian trench bottoms were generally sufficient for the efficient construction of stepped ponds and prove a final concept for a summit canal. We have evidence for the artificial Carolingian dislocation of the watershed and assume a sophisticated Early Medieval hydrological engineering concept for supplying the summit of the canal with adequate water.
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    Correlating the ancient Maya and modern european calendars with high-precision AMS 14C dating
    (London : Nature Publishing Group, 2013) Kennett, D.J.; Hajdas, I.; Culleton, B.J.; Belmecheri, S.; Martin, S.; Neff, H.; Awe, J.; Graham, H.V.; Freeman, K.H.; Newsom, L.; Lentz, D.L.; Anselmetti, F.S.; Robinson, M.; Marwan, N.; Southon, J.; Hodell, D.A.; Haug, G.H.
    The reasons for the development and collapse of Maya civilization remain controversial and historical events carved on stone monuments throughout this region provide a remarkable source of data about the rise and fall of these complex polities. Use of these records depends on correlating the Maya and European calendars so that they can be compared with climate and environmental datasets. Correlation constants can vary up to 1000 years and remain controversial.Wereport a series of high-resolution AMS14C dates on a wooden lintel collected from the Classic Period city of Tikal bearing Maya calendar dates. The radiocarbon dates were calibrated using a Bayesian statistical model and indicate that the dates were carved on the lintel betweenAD 658-696. This strongly supports the Goodman-Mart?nez-Thompson (GMT) correlation and the hypothesis that climate change played an important role in the development and demise of this complex civilization.
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    SciPy 1.0: fundamental algorithms for scientific computing in Python
    (London [u.a.] : Nature Publishing Group, 2020) Virtanen, Pauli; Gommers, Ralf; Oliphant, Travis E.; Haberland, Matt; Reddy, Tyler; Cournapeau, David; Burovski, Evgeni; Peterson, Pearu; Weckesser, Warren; Bright, Jonathan; van der Walt, Stéfan J.; Brett, Matthew; Wilson, Joshua; Millman, K. Jarrod; Mayorov, Nikolay; Nelson, Andrew R. J.; Jones, Eric; Kern, Robert; Larson, Eric; Carey, C J; Polat, İlhan; Feng, Yu; Moore, Eric W.; VanderPlas, Jake; Laxalde, Denis; Perktold, Josef; Cimrman, Robert; Henriksen, Ian; Quintero, E. A.; Harris, Charles R.; Archibald, Anne M.; Ribeiro, Antônio H.; Pedregosa, Fabian; van Mulbregt, Paul; Vijaykumar, Aditya; Bardelli, Alessandro Pietro; Rothberg, Alex; Hilboll, Andreas; Kloeckner, Andreas; Scopatz, Anthony; Lee, Antony; Rokem, Ariel; Woods, C. Nathan; Fulton, Chad; Masson, Charles; Häggström, Christian; Fitzgerald, Clark; Nicholson, David A.; Hagen, David R.; Pasechnik, Dmitrii V.; Olivetti, Emanuele; Martin, Eric; Wieser, Eric; Silva, Fabrice; Lenders, Felix; Wilhelm, Florian; Young, G.; Price, Gavin A.; Ingold, Gert-Ludwig; Allen, Gregory E.; Lee, Gregory R.; Audren, Hervé; Probst, Irvin; Dietrich, Jörg P.; Silterra, Jacob; Webber, James T; Slavič, Janko; Nothman, Joel; Buchner, Johannes; Kulick, Johannes; Schönberger, Johannes L.; de Miranda Cardoso, José Vinícius; Reimer, Joscha; Harrington, Joseph; Rodríguez, Juan Luis Cano; Nunez-Iglesias, Juan; Kuczynski, Justin; Tritz, Kevin; Thoma, Martin; Newville, Matthew; Kümmerer, Matthias; Bolingbroke, Maximilian; Tartre, Michael; Pak, Mikhail; Smith, Nathaniel J.; Nowaczyk, Nikolai; Shebanov, Nikolay; Pavlyk, Oleksandr; Brodtkorb, Per A.; Lee, Perry; McGibbon, Robert T.; Feldbauer, Roman; Lewis, Sam; Tygier, Sam; Sievert, Scott; Vigna, Sebastiano; Peterson, Stefan; More, Surhud; Pudlik, Tadeusz; Oshima, Takuya; Pingel, Thomas J.; Robitaille, Thomas P.; Spura, Thomas; Jones, Thouis R.; Cera, Tim; Leslie, Tim; Zito, Tiziano; Krauss, Tom; Upadhyay, Utkarsh; Halchenko, Yaroslav O.; Vázquez-Baeza, Yoshiki
    SciPy is an open-source scientific computing library for the Python programming language. Since its initial release in 2001, SciPy has become a de facto standard for leveraging scientific algorithms in Python, with over 600 unique code contributors, thousands of dependent packages, over 100,000 dependent repositories and millions of downloads per year. In this work, we provide an overview of the capabilities and development practices of SciPy 1.0 and highlight some recent technical developments.