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Solar 27-day signatures in standard phase height measurements above central Europe

2019, von Savigny, Christian, Peters, Dieter H.W., Entzian, Günter

We report on the effect of solar variability at the 27-day and the 11-year timescales on standard phase heightmeasurements in the ionospheric D region carried out in cen-tral Europe. Standard phase height corresponds to the re-flection height of radio waves (for constant solar zenith dis-tance) in the ionosphere near 80 km altitude, where NO isionized by solar Lyman-αradiation. Using the superposedepoch analysis (SEA) method, we extract statistically highlysignificant solar 27-day signatures in standard phase heights.The 27-day signatures are roughly inversely correlated to so-lar proxies, such as the F10.7 cm radio flux or the Lyman-αflux. The sensitivity of standard phase height change to so-lar forcing at the 27-day timescale is found to be in goodagreement with the sensitivity for the 11-year solar cycle,suggesting similar underlying mechanisms. The amplitude ofthe 27-day signature in standard phase height is larger duringsolar minimum than during solar maximum, indicating thatthe signature is not only driven by photoionization of NO. Weidentified statistical evidence for an influence of ultra-longplanetary waves on the quasi 27-day signature of standardphase height in winters of solar minimum periods.