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    Quantifying ligand-cell interactions and determination of the surface concentrations of ligands on hydrogel films: The measurement challenge
    (Melville, NY : AIP Publishing, 2015) Beer, Meike V.; Hahn, Kathrin; Diederichs, Sylvia; Fabry, Marlies; Singh, Smriti; Spencer, Steve J.; Salber, Jochen; Möller, Martin; Shard, Alexander G.; Groll, Jürgen
    Hydrogels are extensively studied for biomaterials application as they provide water swollen noninteracting matrices in which specific binding motifs and enzyme-sensitive degradation sites can be incorporated to tailor cell adhesion, proliferation, and migration. Hydrogels also serve as excellent basis for surface modification of biomaterials where interfacial characteristics are decisive for implant success or failure. However, the three-dimensional nature of hydrogels makes it hard to distinguish between the bioactive ligand density at the hydrogel-cell interface that is able to interact with cells and the ligands that are immobilized inside the hydrogel and not accessible for cells. Here, the authors compare x-ray photoelectron spectrometry (XPS), time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectroscopy (ToF-SIMS), enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and the correlation with quantitative cell adhesion using primary human dermal fibroblasts (HDF) to gain insight into ligand distribution. The authors show that although XPS provides the most useful quantitative analysis, it lacks the sensitivity to measure biologically meaningful concentrations of ligands. However, ToF-SIMS is able to access this range provided that there are clearly distinguishable secondary ions and a calibration method is found. Detection by ELISA appears to be sensitive to the ligand density on the surface that is necessary to mediate cell adhesion, but the upper limit of detection coincides closely with the minimal ligand spacing required to support cell proliferation. Radioactive measurements and ELISAs were performed on amine reactive well plates as true 2D surfaces to estimate the ligand density necessary to allow cell adhesion onto hydrogel films. Optimal ligand spacing for HDF adhesion and proliferation on ultrathin hydrogel films was determined as 6.5 ± 1.5 nm.
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    Guidance of mesenchymal stem cells on fibronectin structured hydrogel films
    (San Francisco, California, US : PLOS, 2014) Kasten, Annika; Naser, Tamara; Brüllhoff, Kristina; Fiedler, Jörg; Müller, Petra; Möller, Martin; Rychly, Joachim; Groll, Jürgen; Brenner, Rolf E.; Engler, Adam J.
    Designing of implant surfaces using a suitable ligand for cell adhesion to stimulate specific biological responses of stem cells will boost the application of regenerative implants. For example, materials that facilitate rapid and guided migration of stem cells would promote tissue regeneration. When seeded on fibronectin (FN) that was homogeneously immmobilized to NCO-sP(EO-stat-PO), which otherwise prevents protein binding and cell adhesion, human mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) revealed a faster migration, increased spreading and a more rapid organization of different cellular components for cell adhesion on fibronectin than on a glass surface. To further explore, how a structural organization of FN controls the behavior of MSC, adhesive lines of FN with varying width between 10 µm and 80 µm and spacings between 5 µm and 20 µm that did not allow cell adhesion were generated. In dependance on both line width and gaps, cells formed adjacent cell contacts, were individually organized in lines, or bridged the lines. With decreasing sizes of FN lines, speed and directionality of cell migration increased, which correlated with organization of the actin cytoskeleton, size and shape of the nuclei as well as of focal adhesions. Together, defined FN lines and gaps enabled a fine tuning of the structural organization of cellular components and migration. Microstructured adhesive substrates can mimic the extracellular matrix in vivo and stimulate cellular mechanisms which play a role in tissue regeneration.
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    Consensus model of a cyanobacterial light-dependent protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase in its pigment-free apo-form and photoactive ternary complex
    (London : Springer Nature, 2019) Schneidewind, Judith; Krause, Frank; Bocola, Marco; Stadler, Andreas Maximilian; Davari, Mehdi D.; Schwaneberg, Ulrich; Jaeger, Karl-Erich; Krauss, Ulrich
    Photosynthetic organisms employ two different enzymes for the reduction of the C17 = C18 double bond of protochlorophyllide (Pchlide), yielding the chlorophyll precursor chlorophyllide. First, a nitrogenase-like, light-independent (dark-operative) Pchlide oxidoreductase and secondly, a light-dependent Pchlide oxidoreductase (LPOR). For the latter enzyme, despite decades of research, no structural information is available. Here, we use protein structure modelling, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations combined with multi-wavelength analytical ultracentrifugation (MWA-AUC) and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) experiments to derive a consensus model of the LPOR apoprotein and the substrate/cofactor/LPOR ternary complex. MWA-AUC and SAXS experiments independently demonstrate that the apoprotein is monomeric, while ternary complex formation induces dimerization. SAXS-guided modelling studies provide a full-length model of the apoprotein and suggest a tentative mode of dimerization for the LPOR ternary complex, supported by published cross-link constraints. Our study provides a first impression of the LPOR structural organization.