Recent Submissions
Now showing 1 - 5 of 1811
- ItemMacroscopic loops in the $3d$ double-dimer model(Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2022) Quitmann, Alexandra; Taggi, LorenzoThe double dimer model is defined as the superposition of two independent uniformly distributed dimer covers of a graph. Its configurations can be viewed as disjoint collections of self-avoiding loops. Our first result is that in ℤ d, d>2, the loops in the double dimer model are macroscopic. These are shown to behave qualitatively differently than in two dimensions. In particular, we show that, given two distant points of a large box, with uniformly positive probability there exists a loop visiting both points. Our second result involves the monomer double-dimer model, namely the double-dimer model in the presence of a density of monomers. These are vertices which are not allowed to be touched by any loop. This model depends on a parameter, the monomer activity, which controls the density of monomers. It is known from [Betz, Taggi] that a finite critical threshold of the monomer activity exists, below which a self-avoiding walk forced through the system is macroscopic. Our paper shows that, when d >2, such a critical threshold is strictly positive. In other words, the self-avoiding walk is macroscopic even in the presence of a positive density of monomers.
- ItemShifted substitution in non-commutative multivariate power series with a view towards free probability(Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2022) Ebrahimi-Fard, Kurusch; Patras, Frédéric; Tapia, Nikolas; Zambotti, LorenzoWe study a particular group law on formal power series in non-commuting parameters induced by their interpretation as linear forms on a suitable non-commutative and non- cocommutative graded connected word Hopf algebra. This group law is left-linear and is therefore associated to a pre-Lie structure on formal power series. We study these structures and show how they can be used to recast in a group theoretic form various identities and transformations on formal power series that have been central in the context of non-commutative probability theory, in particular in Voiculescu?s theory of free probability.
- ItemFirst-order conditions for the optimal control of learning-informed nonsmooth PDEs(Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2022) Dong, Guozhi; Hintermüller, Michael; Papafitsoros, Kostas; Völkner, KathrinIn this paper we study the optimal control of a class of semilinear elliptic partial differential equations which have nonlinear constituents that are only accessible by data and are approximated by nonsmooth ReLU neural networks. The optimal control problem is studied in detail. In particular, the existence and uniqueness of the state equation are shown, and continuity as well as directional differentiability properties of the corresponding control-to-state map are established. Based on approximation capabilities of the pertinent networks, we address fundamental questions regarding approximating properties of the learning-informed control-to-state map and the solution of the corresponding optimal control problem. Finally, several stationarity conditions are derived based on different notions of generalized differentiability.
- ItemA turnpike property for optimal control problems with dynamic probabilistic constraints(Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2022) Gugat, Martin; Heitsch, Holger; Henrion, RenéIn this paper we consider systems that are governed by linear time-discrete dynamics with an initial condition, additive random perturbations in each step and a terminal condition for the expected values. We study optimal control problems where the objective function consists of a term of tracking type for the expected values and a control cost. In addition, the feasible states have to satisfy a conservative probabilistic constraint that requires that the probability that the trajectories remain in a given set F is greater than or equal to a given lower bound. An application are optimal control problems related to storage management systems with uncertain in- and output. We give sufficient conditions that imply that the optimal expected trajectories remain close to a certain state that can be characterized as the solution of an optimal control problem without prescribed initial- and terminal condition. In this way we contribute to the study of the turnpike phenomenon that is well-known in mathematical economics and make a step towards the extension of the turnpike theory to problems with probabilistic constraints.
- ItemOn quenched homogenization of long-range random conductance models on stationary ergodic point processes(Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2022) Heida, MartinWe study the homogenization limit on bounded domains for the long-range random conductance model on stationary ergodic point processes on the integer grid. We assume that the conductance between neares neighbors in the point process are always positive and satisfy certain weight conditions. For our proof we use long-range two-scale convergence as well as methods from numerical analysis of finite volume methods.