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    Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation on Magnesium AZ31 with Sepiolite as Inhibitor Carrier for Improved Corrosion Protection
    (Basel : MDPI, 2023-08-30) Sottor, Robert; Gruen, Ricarda; Kremmer, Kerstin; Lederer, Stephan; Schneider, Michael; Fuerbeth, Wolfram
    Plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) in an alkaline silicate electrolyte containing nanosized sepiolite fibers was carried out on magnesium alloy AZ31. The mineral fibers were loaded with different corrosion inhibitors and incorporated in situ during the PEO treatment. The composition and microstructure of the PEO coatings were investigated by SEM. It was shown that the fibers are located on the surface as well as inside the “weak spots” of the coating, i.e., pores and discharge channels. The fixation of the particles is caused by sintering due to the heat developed during the PEO treatment. Investigations using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and linear sweep voltammetry in 0.01 M NaCl solution confirmed an improvement of the corrosion protection. The use of the inhibitors shifts the critical pitting potential in the anodic direction. Regarding efficiency, cerium-loaded sepiolite showed the best behavior by shifting the pitting potential by +0.9 V.
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    Numerical modelling of mutual effect among nearby needles in a multi-needle configuration of an atmospheric air dielectric barrier discharge
    (Basel : MDPI, 2012) Wang, Xiaojing; Yao, Chenguo; Sun, Caixin; Yang, Qing; Zhang, Xiaoxing
    A numerical study has been conducted to understand the mutual effect among nearby needles in a multi-needle electrode dielectric barrier discharge. In the present paper, a fluid-hydrodynamic model is adopted. In this model, the mutual effect among nearby needles in a multi-needle configuration of an atmospheric air dielectric barrier discharge are investigated using a fluid-hydrodynamic model including the continuity equations for electrons and positive and negative ions coupled with Poisson's equation. The electric fields at the streamer head of the middle needle (MN) and the side needles (SNs) in a three-needle model decreased under the influence of the mutual effects of nearby needles compared with that in the single-needle model. In addition, from the same comparison, the average propagation velocities of the streamers from MN and SNs, the electron average energy profile of MN and SNs (including those in the streamer channel, at the streamer head, and in the unbridged gap), and the electron densities at the streamer head of the MN and SNs also decreased. The results obtained in the current paper agreed well with the experimental and simulation results in the literature. © 2012 by the authors.
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    Atmospheric-pressure pulsed discharges and plasmas: Mechanism, characteristics and applications
    (Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2018) Shao, Tao; Wang, Ruixue; Zhang, Cheng; Yan, Ping
    Pulsed discharge plasma and its application is one of the promising directions in civilian areas of pulsed power technology. In order to promote the research and development of the theory and application technology for pulsed discharge plasma, in this paper, recent progress on the mechanism of nanosecond-pulse gas discharge and the characteristics and applications of typical pulsed plasma at the Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences is reviewed. Firstly, progress on mechanism of nanosecond-pulse discharge based on runaway electrons and measurement technology of runaway electrons is introduced. Then, the characteristics of three typical discharges, including direct-driven pulsed discharge, pulsed dielectric barrier discharge and pulsed plasma jet, are reviewed. Furthermore, typical plasma applications of pulsed plasma on surface modification and methane conversion are presented.
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    Plasma glow discharge as a tool for surface modification of catalytic solid oxides: A case study of La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ perovskite
    (Basel : MDPI, 2016) Zhang, Yanxiang; Ma, Jingbo; Li, Mei; Chen, Yu; Yan, Mufu; Xia, Changrong
    Performance of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) is hindered by the sluggish catalytic kinetics on the surfaces of cathode materials. It has recently been reported that improved electrochemical activity of perovskite oxides can be obtained with the cations or the oxides of some metallic elements at the surface. Here, we used a cost-effective plasma glow charge method as a generic tool to deposit nano-size metallic particles onto the surface of SOFC materials. Ni nano-scale patterns were successfully coated on the La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ (LSCF) surface. The microstructure could be well controlled. The kinetics of oxygen exchange on the modified LSCF surface was promoted significantly, confirmed by electrical conductivity relaxation (ECR) measurement.
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    Experimental benchmark of kinetic simulations of capacitively coupled plasmas in molecular gases
    (Bristol : IOP Publ., 2018) Donkó, Z.; Derzsi, A.; Korolov, I.; Hartmann, P.; Brandt, S.; Schulze, J.; Berger, B.; Koepke, M.; Bruneau, B.; Johnson, E.; Lafleur, T.; Booth, J.-P.; Gibson, A. R.; O’Connell, D.; Gans, T.
    We discuss the origin of uncertainties in the results of numerical simulations of low-temperature plasma sources, focusing on capacitively coupled plasmas. These sources can be operated in various gases/gas mixtures, over a wide domain of excitation frequency, voltage, and gas pressure. At low pressures, the non-equilibrium character of the charged particle transport prevails and particle-based simulations become the primary tools for their numerical description. The particle-in-cell method, complemented with Monte Carlo type description of collision processes, is a well-established approach for this purpose. Codes based on this technique have been developed by several authors/groups, and have been benchmarked with each other in some cases. Such benchmarking demonstrates the correctness of the codes, but the underlying physical model remains unvalidated. This is a key point, as this model should ideally account for all important plasma chemical reactions as well as for the plasma-surface interaction via including specific surface reaction coefficients (electron yields, sticking coefficients, etc). In order to test the models rigorously, comparison with experimental 'benchmark data' is necessary. Examples will be given regarding the studies of electron power absorption modes in O2, and CF4-Ar discharges, as well as on the effect of modifications of the parameters of certain elementary processes on the computed discharge characteristics in O2 capacitively coupled plasmas.