On densities of lattice arrangements intersecting every i-dimensional affine subspace

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Oberwolfach Preprints (OWP)
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Oberwolfach : Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
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In 1978, Makai Jr. established a remarkable connection between the volume-product of a convex body, its maximal lattice packing density and the minimal density of a lattice arrangement of its polar body intersecting every affine hyperplane. Consequently, he formulated a conjecture that can be seen as a dual analog of Minkowski’s fundamental theorem, and which is strongly linked to the well-known Mahlerconjecture. Based on the covering minima of Kannan & Lovász and a problem posed by Fejes Tóth, we arrange Makai Jr.’s conjecture into a wider context and investigate densities of lattice arrangements of convex bodies intersecting every i-dimensional affine subspace. Then it becomes natural also to formulate and study a dual analog to Minkowski’s second fundamental theorem. As our main results, we derive meaningful asymptotic lower bounds for the densities of such arrangements, and furthermore, we solve the problems exactly for the special, yet important, class of unconditional convex bodies.

Merino, B. G., & Henze, M. (2016). On densities of lattice arrangements intersecting every i-dimensional affine subspace (Vol. 2016-08). Oberwolfach : Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach. https://doi.org//10.14760/OWP-2016-08
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