Totally acyclic complexes

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Oberwolfach Preprints (OWP)
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Oberwolfach : Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
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We prove rst (Proposition 3) that, over any ring R, an acyclic complex of projective modules is totally acyclic if and only if the cycles of every acyclic complex of Gorenstein projective modules are Gorenstein projective. The dual result for injective and Gorenstein injective modules also holds over any ring R (Proposition 4). And, when R is a GF-closed ring, the analogue result for at/Gorenstein at modules is also true (Proposition 5). Then we show (Theorem 2) that over a left noetherian ring R, a third equivalent condition can be added to those in Proposition 4, more precisely, we prove that the following are equivalent: 1. Every acyclic complex of injective modules is totally acyclic. 2. The cycles of every acyclic complex of Gorenstein injective modules are Gorenstein injective. 3. Every complex of Gorenstein injective modules is dg- Gorenstein injective. Theorem 3 shows that the analogue result for complexes of at and Gorenstein at modules holds over any left coherent ring R. We prove (Corollary

  1. that, over a commutative noetherian ring R, the equivalent statements in Theorem 3 hold if and only if the ring is Gorenstein. We also prove (Theorem 4) that when moreover R is left coherent and right n-perfect (that is, every at right R-module has nite projective dimension n) then statements 1, 2, 3 in Theorem 2 are also equivalent to the following: 4. Every acyclic complex of projective right R-modules is totally acyclic. 5. Every acyclic complex of Gorenstein projective right R-modules is in fGP. 6. Every complex of Gorenstein projective right R-modules is dg-Gorenstein projective. Corollary 2 shows that when R is commutative noetherian of nite Krull dimension, the equivalent conditions (1)-(6) from Theorem 4 are also equivalent to those in Theorem 3 and hold if and only if R is an Iwanaga-Gorenstein ring. Thus we improve slightly on a result of Iyengar's and Krause's; in [22] they proved that for a commutative noetherian ring R with a dualizing complex, the class of acyclic complexes of injectives coincides with that of totally acyclic complexes of injectives if and only if R is Gorenstein. We are able to remove the dualizing complex hypothesis and add more equivalent conditions. In the second part of the paper we focus on two sided noetherian rings that satisfy the Auslander condition. We prove (Theorem 7) that for such a ring R that also has nite nitistic at dimension, every complex of injective (left and respectively right) R-modules is totally acyclic if and only if R is an Iwanaga-Gorenstein ring.
Estrada, S., Fu, X., & Iacob, A. (2016). Totally acyclic complexes (Oberwolfach : Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach). Oberwolfach : Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach.
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