Data on single pulse fs laser induced submicron bubbles in the subsurface region of soda-lime glass


Submicron bubble formation in the subsurface range of soda-lime glass is investigated. The bubbles are induced by single femtosecond laser pulse irradiation with the wavelength of λ = 775 nm, the pulse duration of tp = 150 fs and the laser beam diameter of ∼12 μm. The data shows the changes of the morphologies of the soda-lime glass after laser irradiation with different pulse energy. Moreover, the data shows the detail of the cross-section view of the bubble during the Focused ion beam (FIB) cutting. It is found that the bubbles can be formed in a rather narrow pulse energy range with the bubbles in the size of 300 nm ∼3 μm which is much smaller than the laser beam diameter. Data presented in this article are related to the research article “Submicron bubbles/voids formation in the subsurface region of soda-lime glass by single pulse fs laser-induced spallation” [1]. © 2020

Lai, S., Ehrhardt, M., Lorenz, P., Lu, J., Han, B., & Zimmer, K. (2020). Data on single pulse fs laser induced submicron bubbles in the subsurface region of soda-lime glass (Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier). Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier.
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