Synthesis of biphasic Al/Al2O3 nanostructures under microgravity and laser structuring on Al/Al2O3 surfaces for selective cell guidance

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Saarbrücken : Universität des Saarlandes
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The first part of this thesis is dealing with gravity effect on the synthesis of biphasic core/shell Al/Al2O3 composites. By chemical vapor deposition of the precursor [tBuOAlH2]2 at 400°C, only spherical nanoparticles were observed on the substrate surface. The formation of nanowires was observed at 600°C. It is a good agreement with our previous results on earth condition and there is no gravity impact on the chemical reaction. At increased gravity levels, the nanoparticles formed large clusters and the nanowires showed bundle formation while the nanowires at microgravity have predominantly linear structures. It is proposed that the chaotic nature of nanowires and cluster formation of nanoparticles were caused by a dominance of gravity over the thermal creep. In the second part the use of Al/Al2O3 nanowire layers for bio applications is considered. Contact cell guidance and alignment were studied to understand how cells recognize and respond to certain surface patterns. Linear micro channels were created on Al/Al2O3 layer by direct laser writing and laser interference patterning. Although surface topography was altered, the surface chemistry was always identical (Al2O3) due to the unique core/shell nature of Al/Al2O3 nanowires. Human osteoblast, normal human dermal fibroblast and neuronal cells were cultured and investigated. The results indicate that different cell types show diverse responses to the topography independent from the surface chemistry of the material.

Lee, J. (2013). Synthesis of biphasic Al/Al2O3 nanostructures under microgravity and laser structuring on Al/Al2O3 surfaces for selective cell guidance. Saarbrücken : Universität des Saarlandes.
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