Nanoplasmonic electron acceleration in silver clusters studied by angular-resolved electron spectroscopy


The nanoplasmonic field enhancement effects in the energetic electron emission from few-nm-sized silver clusters exposed to intense femtosecond dual pulses are investigated by high-resolution double differential electron spectroscopy. For moderate laser intensities of 10 14Wcm -2, the delaydependent and angular-resolved electron spectra show laser-aligned emission of electrons up to keV kinetic energies, exceeding the ponderomotive potential by two orders of magnitude. The importance of the nanoplasmonic field enhancement due to resonant Mie-plasmon excitation observed for optimal pulse delays is investigated by a direct comparison with molecular dynamics results. The excellent agreement of the key signatures in the delay-dependent and angular-resolved spectra with simulation results allows for a quantitative analysis of the laser and plasmonic contributions to the acceleration process. The extracted field enhancement at resonance verifies the dominance of surfaceplasmon-assisted re-scattering.

Passig, J., Irsig, R., Truong, N. X., Fennel, T., Tiggesbäumker, J., & Meiwes-Broer, K. H. (2012). Nanoplasmonic electron acceleration in silver clusters studied by angular-resolved electron spectroscopy (Bristol : IOP). Bristol : IOP.
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