Recent Submissions
- ItemSedimentation of binary mixtures: Phase stacking and Nonequilibrium dynamics(Hannover : Technische Informationsbibliothek, 2024-12-30) Schmidt, Matthias; de las Heras, DanielBased on equilibrium sedimentation path theory and the local density functional approximation, we investigated the effects of gravity on several relevant types of binary colloidal mixtures. Settled systems are represented by so-called sedimentation paths, which determine the variation of the species-resolved chemical potentials with altitude. Analysing the resulting line segments in the plane of chemical potentials of the bulk phase diagram allows one to rationalize the full equilibrium stacking phenomenology for a given system under gravity. The approach predicts theoretically the stacking sequences of colloidal rod-plate mixtures that were observed in iconic experiments by van der Kooij and Lekkerkerker. Thereby the occurrence of up to five simultaneous phase layers emerges naturally from the mere interplay of gravity and two-phase bulk coexistence, without invoking particle polydispersity. We studied the effects on equilibrium phase stacking upon varying the buoyant mass ratio of both components and our predictions are testable in experiments by systematic variation of the height of sedimentation columns. We have carried out similar sedimentation studies for: plate-spheres mixtures, mass-polydisperse systems, and hard spherocylinders. We suggest that microscopic particle properties, such as the buoyant mass, can be inferred from macroscopic measurements of layer thicknesses in phase stacking sequences. We addressed gravity-induced nonequilibrium flow and structure formation on the basis of power functional theory, adaptive Brownian dynamics computer simulations, and functional machine learning. Power functional theory allows one to rationalize and to model the nonequilibrium behaviour of many-body systems based on the one-body density and velocity field. We have used the approach to categorize systematically the different types of relevant nonequilibrium force contributions and have developed corresponding analytical gradient approximations. Neural functionals, as trained on the basis of both equilibrium and nonequilibrium computer simulation data, were shown to yield accurate predictions for structure formation and design of nonequilibrium flow. We have formulated force-based density functional theory and have demonstrated that neural density functionals outperform the best available hard sphere fundamental measure functionals. We have developed adaptive Brownian dynamics as a performant and highly stable numerical integration scheme for the temporal integration of overdamped many-body Langevin equations of motion, as demonstrated for a particle gel subject to convective sedimentation flow. We have put forward general frameworks for fluctuations of general hyperobservables, for their associated hyperforce correlation functions, and for the gauge invariance of statistical mechanics, where Noether's theorem yields exact sum rules that constrain correlations, as exemplified for ideal and for active sedimentation.
- ItemEffect of a high-voltage mesh electrode on the volume and surface characteristics of pulsed dielectric barrier discharges(Melville, NY : American Inst. of Physics, 2020) Kettlitz, M.; van Rooij, O.; Höft, H.; Brandenburg, R.; Sobota, A.Electrical breakdown in a pulsed asymmetric dielectric barrier discharge between a glass-covered mesh electrode and a grounded metal electrode in the air at atmospheric pressure is investigated. Volume discharge forms between the metal tip and the dielectric surface and spreads over the dielectric surface. Breakdown and discharge behaviors depend on the polarity of the charged electrode covered with glass compared to the metal rod electrode. In the case of the dielectric cathode (covered mesh), volume discharge features a stronger and longer-lasting emission. Volume discharge is weaker with outstretched surface discharge developing on the opposite glass electrode sustained by the embedded mesh when the metal rod functions as a cathode. The development and spatial distribution of the surface discharge depend on the relative polarity of the dielectrics caused by the charge deposition of the preceding discharge and is independent of the polarity of the applied high voltage. The discharge emission is brighter for the metal cathode and dielectric anode than for the metal anode, with a branching discharge developing and spreading in a star-like structure along the embedded grid, while a ring-like structure was observed for the metal anode and dielectric cathode. The duty cycle influences the discharge development and properties through the effects of the gas phase and surface pre-ionization.
- ItemMicroplasmas: A Review(Oak Park, Ill. : Bentham Science Publ., 2011) Papadakis, A. P.In this paper, a review on microplasma discharges is conducted. The different types and configurations used in microplasmas such as the Cathode Boundary Layer (CBL), Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD), Capillary Plasma Electrode Discharge (CPED), Inverted Square Pyramid (ISP), Square Cross Sectional Cavities (SCSC), Radio Frequency Inductively Coupled Discharge (RFIC), Radio Frequency Capacitive Coupled Discharge (RFCC), Micro-Hollow Cathode Discharge (MHCD), and microstrip technology (MS) discharges at different operating conditions are discussed. Numerical and experimental methods used for the analysis of the physics involved in these microplasmas, as well as the different construction methods used, are also described.
- ItemA unified view of acoustic-electrostatic solitons in complex plasmas([London] : IOP, 2003) McKenzie, J. F.; Doyle, T. B.A fluid dynamic approach is used in a unified fully nonlinear treatment of the properties of the dust-acoustic, ion-acoustic and Langmuiracoustic solitons. The analysis, which is carried out in the wave frame of the soliton, is based on total momentum conservation and Bernoulli-like energy equations for each of the particle species in each wave type, and yields the structure equation for the 'heavy' species flow speed in each case. The heavy (cold or supersonic) species is always compressed in the soliton, requiring concomitant contraints on the potential and on the flow speed of the electrons and protons in the wave. The treatment clearly elucidates the crucial role played by the heavy species sonic point in limiting the collective species Mach number, which determines the upper limit for the existence of the soliton and its amplitude, and also shows the essentially similar nature of each soliton type. An exact solution, which highlights these characteristic properties, shows that the three acoustic solitons are in fact the same mathematical entity in different physical disguises.
- ItemPKE-Nefedov*: Plasma crystal experiments on the International Space Station([London] : IOP, 2003) Nefedov, Anatoli P.; Morfill, Gregor E.; Fortov, Vladimir E.; Thomas, Hubertus M.; Rothermel, Hermann; Hagl, Tanja; Ivlev, Alexei V.; Zuzic, Milenko; Klumov, Boris A.; Lipaev, Andrey M.; Molotkov, Vladimir I.; Petrov, Oleg F.; Gidzenko, Yuri P.; Krikalev, Sergey K.; Shepherd, William; Ivanov, Alexandr I.; Roth, Maria; Binnenbruck, Horst; Goree, John A.; Semenov, Yuri P.The plasma crystal experiment PKE-Nefedov, the first basic science experiment on the International Space Station (ISS), was installed in February 2001 by the first permanent crew. It is designed for long-term investigations of complex plasmas under microgravity conditions. 'Complex plasmas' contain ions, electrons, neutrals and small solid particles - normally in the micrometre range. These microparticles obtain thousands of elementary charges and interact with each other via a 'screened' Coulomb potential. Complex plasmas are of special interest, because they can form liquid and crystalline states (Thomas et al 1994 Phys. Rev. Lett. 73 652-5, Chu and I 1994 Phys. Rev. Lett. 72 4009-12) and are observable at the kinetic level. In experiments on Earth the microparticles are usually suspended against gravity in strong electric fields. This creates asymmetries, stresses and pseudo-equilibrium states with sufficient free energy to readily become unstable. Under microgravity conditions the microparticles move into the bulk of the plasma (Morfill et al 1999 Phys. Rev. Lett. 83 1598), experiencing much weaker volume forces than on Earth. This allows investigations of the thermodynamics of strongly coupled plasma states under substantially stress-free conditions. In this first paper we report our results on plasma crystals, in particular the first experimental observations of bcc lattice structures.