D2.4 Software prototype v1 ; DURAARK - Durable Architectural Knowledge ; FP7 - ICT - Digital Preservation


This report describes the first version of the integrated software prototype comprising the software prototypes developed in DURAARK so far. It exposes the functionality of the prototypes as a service-oriented platform (the "Workbench") and provides it to stakeholders via a coherent graphical user interface (the "WorkbenchUI"), yielding an integrated application for performing long-term archival tasks for BIM data from the view of a front-end stakeholder. Additionally, the software acts as a service provider for third party developers to be able to integrate the functionality developed in DURAARK in their own (existing) applications. The report guides a stakeholder through the usage of the graphical user interface, describes the components on a technical level and gives interested readers and developers information on how to use the Workbench as a service provider.

Hecher, M., Edvardsen, D. F., Ochmann, S., Panitz, M., Rofoogaran, H., Gadiraju, U., et al. (2014). D2.4 Software prototype v1 ; DURAARK - Durable Architectural Knowledge ; FP7 - ICT - Digital Preservation.
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