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    Open access in Ukraine: Characteristics and evolution from 2012 to 2021
    (Cambridge, MA : MIT Press, 2024) Kaliuzhna, Nataliia; Hauschke, Christian
    This study investigates the development of open access (OA) to publications produced by authors affiliated with Ukrainian universities and research organizations in the period 2012–2021. To get a comprehensive overview we assembled data from three databases: Dimensions, Web of Science (WoS), and Scopus. Our final data set consisted of 186,000 unique records. To determine the OA status of each article, this study utilized Unpaywall data, which was obtained via API. It was determined that 71.5% of all considered articles during the observed period were openly available at the time of analysis. Notably, 60.9% of the OA papers were disseminated through national journals. Furthermore, our findings indicate that the rate of OA papers was highest in the Humanities, at 89.7%, with 74.8% of papers disseminated through national communication channels. The share of OA papers published in national journals surpassed OA papers in foreign journals across all research areas except Natural Sciences. Another noteworthy finding was that Gold OA emerged as the predominant type of OA over the 10-year period of analysis. We underscore the critical importance of ensuring the FAIRness of national scholarly communication infrastructure for monitoring OA uptake and state support of national publishers.
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    Rejected papers in academic publishing: Turning negatives into positives to maximize paper acceptance
    (Chichester : Wiley, 2025) Teixeira da Silva, Jaime A.; Nazarovets, Maryna
    There are ample reasons why papers might get rejected by peer-reviewed journals, and the experience can be, especially for those who have had little experience, sobering. When papers get rejected a number of times, that may signal that there are problems with the paper (e.g., weak methodology or lack of robust analyses), that it is insufficiently developed, is poorly written, or that it is too topic-specific and needs to find an appropriate niche journal. In the case of a single or multiple rejections, whenever there is feedback from a journal, as well as reasons for rejection, this provides a useful signal for improving the paper before it is resubmitted to another journal. This article examines literature related to the rejection of papers in academic journals, encompassing the opinions and experiences offered by authors, as well as advice suggested by editors, allowing readers and authors who experience rejections to reflect on the possible reasons that may have led to that outcome. Many papers related to this topic were published as editorials or opinions, offering advice on how to improve aspects of a submitted paper in order to increase its chances of acceptance.
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    FID Bauingenieurwesen, Architektur und Urbanistik digital (BAUdigital) - Gemeinsamer Abschlussbericht
    (Hannover : Technische Informationsbibliothek, 2024-12-09) Sens, Irina; Strötgen, Robert; Stäcker, Thomas; Rüger, Marc
    The aim of the Specialised Information Service (FID) BAUdigital was to establish a joint information, networking and data exchange platform for the fields of civil engineering, architecture and urbanism (urban planning). The project was a cooperation of Braunschweig University Library (UBBS), Darmstadt University and State Library (ULB), TIB - Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology University Library (TIB) and the Fraunhofer Informationszentrum Raum und Bau (IRB) funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft from 2020 to 2023. The FID has developed a diverse infrastructure system for the active, systematic provision of subject-specific information, tools and services. This service infrastructure promoted interdisciplinary and collaborative exchanges between the communities involved. It also responded to the needs and desiderata expressed by the community before and during the project in terms of advice, technologies and re-usability of subject-specific research data and information. The FID specifically addressed and supported tasks scientific research, networking and publishing of researchers from civil engineering, architecture and urbanism who use digital methods and technologies. Specifically, the FID facilitated - the communication of events and services (via web service platform, newsletter, social media), - the provision of information on conferences, projects, researchers and institutions (research atlas), - the subject-specific search for literature, research data, audiovisual (AV) media and specialized databases - the ingest and curation of retro-digitized material and research data with subject-specific application profiles via the so-called Workbench - long-term archiving of subject-specific research data, - indexing and searching with a subject-specific thesaurus and - subject-specific information and advice on Open Access publishing.
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    WikiRemembrance - Erinnerungskultur digital und partizipativ: Eine Handreichung
    (Hannover : Technische Informationsbibliothek, 2024-09-02) TIB - Leibniz Informationszentrum Technik und Naturwissenschaften; Wikimedia Deutschland e.V.
    Wie können wir erinnern, woher wir kommen und wer wir als demokratische Gesellschaft heute sind, ohne uns dabei aus Furcht vor Nationalismus und Hass dem digitalen Wandel der Wissenskultur zu verschließen? Diese Handreichung versteht sich als Diskussionsbeitrag und Ratgeber für eine reflektierte digitale Praxis in der Erinnerungskultur. Sie beschreibt aktuelle erinnerungskulturelle Herausforderungen und gibt Anregungen, wie diesen mit Hilfe von Werkzeugen und Praktiken begegnet werden kann, die sich bei Wikidata, Wikipedia und ähnlichen Plattformen bewährt haben. Vor allem erscheint eine intelligente Verknüpfung von digitalen und analogen Methoden gewinnbringend. Durch ihre erweiterte Reichweite, flexiblere Teilnahmemöglichkeiten, durch ihre Anpassungsfähigkeit und Skalierbarkeit sind digitale Formate eine wertvolle Ergänzung analoger Angebote, ohne diese jedoch zu ersetzen. Diese Handreichung ist in einem partizipativen Prozess entstanden. Initiative und Rahmen dieses Prozesses war das Projekt WikiRemembrance an der TIB - Leibniz Informationszentrum Technik und Naturwissenschaften, das vom “Zukunftsdiskurse”-Programm des niedersächsischen Ministeriums für Wissenschaft und Kultur 2023 bis 2024 gefördert wurde.