The Berlin principles on one health - Bridging global health and conservation


For over 15-years, proponents of the One Health approach have worked to consistently interweave components that should never have been separated and now more than ever need to be re-connected: the health of humans, non-human animals, and ecosystems. We have failed to heed the warning signs. A One Health approach is paramount in directing our future health in this acutely and irrevocably changed world. COVID-19 has shown us the exorbitant cost of inaction. The time to act is now. © 2020

Gruetzmacher, K., Karesh, W. B., Amuasi, J. H., Arshad, A., Farlow, A., Gabrysch, S., et al. (2020). The Berlin principles on one health - Bridging global health and conservation (Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier Science). Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier Science.
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