Effect of Molar Mass on Critical Specific Work of Flow for Shear-Induced Crystal Nucleation in Poly (l-Lactic Acid)


The concept of specific work of flow has been applied for the analysis of critical shearing conditions for the formation of crystal nuclei in poly (l-lactic acid) (PLLA). Systematic variation in both time and rate of shearing the melt in a parallel-plate rheometer revealed that these parameters are interconvertible regarding the shear-induced formation of crystal nuclei; that is, low shear rate can be compensated for by increasing the shear time and vice versa. This result supports the view that critical shearing conditions can be expressed by a single quantity, providing additional options for tailoring polymer processing routes when enhanced nuclei formation is desired/unwanted. Analysis of PLLA of different mass-average molar masses of 70, 90, 120, and 576 kDa confirmed improved shear-induced crystal nucleation for materials of higher molar mass, with critical specific works of flow, above which shear-induced nuclei formation occurs, of 550, 60, 25, and 5 kPa, respectively.

Crystallization, Molar mass, Nucleation, Poly (L-lactic acid), Shear-induced crystal nucleation, Specific work of flow
Du, M., Jariyavidyanont, K., Kühnert, I., Boldt, R., & Androsch, R. (2021). Effect of Molar Mass on Critical Specific Work of Flow for Shear-Induced Crystal Nucleation in Poly (l-Lactic Acid). 13(8). https://doi.org//10.3390/polym13081266
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