Sub-cycle valleytronics: control of valley polarization using few-cycle linearly polarized pulses


So far, it has been assumed that selective excitation of a desired valley in the Brillouin zone of a hexagonal two-dimensional material has to rely on using circularly polarized fields. We theoretically demonstrate a way to control the valley excitation in hexagonal 2D materials on a few-femtosecond timescale using a few-cycle, linearly polarized pulse with controlled carrier–envelope phase. The valley polarization is mapped onto the strength of the perpendicular harmonic signal of a weak, linearly polarized pulse, which allows to read this information all-optically without destroying the valley state and without relying on the Berry curvature, making our approach potentially applicable to inversion-symmetric materials. We show applicability of this method to hexagonal boron nitride and MoS2.

III-V semiconductors, Landforms, Layered semiconductors, Molybdenum compounds, Ultrafast lasers, Brillouin zones, Circularly polarized, Femtoseconds, Harmonic signals, Hexagonal boron nitride, Linearly polarized, Selective excitations, Two-dimensional materials, Polarization
Jiménez-Galán, Á., Silva, R. E. F., Smirnova, O., & Ivanov, M. (2021). Sub-cycle valleytronics: control of valley polarization using few-cycle linearly polarized pulses. 8(3).
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