Temperature-dependent dynamic compressive properties and failure mechanisms of the additively manufactured CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy

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Materials and design
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Oxford : Elsevier Science

CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy (HEA) parts were fabricated by laser powder bed fusion (LPBF), and their dynamic compressive properties at different temperatures as well as the resulting microstructures were analyzed. The HEAs showed an unprecedented strength-ductility combination, especially at a cryogenic temperature of 77 K and a high strain rate of 3000 s−1. Under this testing condition, the yield strength (YS) of the HEAs amounted to 665 MPa. Regardless of the testing temperature, the deformation mechanism of all investigated HEAs was dominated by a synergistic effect consisting of deformation twinning and dislocation pile-up around twins. The fraction of twin boundaries and dislocation density within the deformed microstructure of the HEA correlated with the test temperature. At 77 K, the formation of nanotwins together with dislocation slip prevailed and contributed to pronounced twin-twin and twin-dislocation interactions which effectively restricted the dislocation movement and, hence, contributed to a higher YS as well as strain hardening rate in comparison to that of the HEAs at room temperature of 298 K. The LPBF-fabricated HEAs showed unpronounced thermal softening even at a high testing temperature of 1073 K. Continuous dynamic recrystallization was restricted in the HEA because of its inherent sluggish dislocation kinetics and low stacking fault energy.

Chen, H., Liu, Y., Wang, Y., Li, Z., Wang, D., & Kosiba, K. (2022). Temperature-dependent dynamic compressive properties and failure mechanisms of the additively manufactured CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy (Oxford : Elsevier Science). Oxford : Elsevier Science. https://doi.org//10.1016/j.matdes.2022.111324
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