A unified view of acoustic-electrostatic solitons in complex plasmas
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A fluid dynamic approach is used in a unified fully nonlinear treatment of the properties of the dust-acoustic, ion-acoustic and Langmuiracoustic solitons. The analysis, which is carried out in the wave frame of the soliton, is based on total momentum conservation and Bernoulli-like energy equations for each of the particle species in each wave type, and yields the structure equation for the 'heavy' species flow speed in each case. The heavy (cold or supersonic) species is always compressed in the soliton, requiring concomitant contraints on the potential and on the flow speed of the electrons and protons in the wave. The treatment clearly elucidates the crucial role played by the heavy species sonic point in limiting the collective species Mach number, which determines the upper limit for the existence of the soliton and its amplitude, and also shows the essentially similar nature of each soliton type. An exact solution, which highlights these characteristic properties, shows that the three acoustic solitons are in fact the same mathematical entity in different physical disguises.