On the role of anisotropic MF/HF scattering in mesospheric wind estimation

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Earth, planets and space : EPS
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Heidelberg : Springer

The Saura radar is designed and used to measure winds and electron densities at polar latitudes (69∘N) within the D region, namely between 50 and 100 km altitude. A relatively narrow radar beam can be generated and steered into distinct pointing directions as a rather large antenna array is used. From the observed radial velocities of the individual pointing directions, the horizontal and vertical wind fields can be obtained using the Doppler beam swinging (DBS) method. With recent upgrades to the radar, the interferometric capabilities are largely improved allowing simultaneous application of different wind estimation techniques now, and also echo localization. In recent studies, Saura DBS winds assuming isotropic scattering were found to be underestimated in comparison with highly reliable winds observed with the MAARSY MST radar in the presence of polar mesospheric summer echoes (PMSE). This underestimation has been investigated by analyzing the scattering positions as well as applying the imaging Doppler interferometry technique. Besides this, Saura winds derived with the classical DBS method seem to be error prone at altitudes above 90 km and even below this altitude for periods of enhanced ionization, e.g., particle precipitations. Various methods taking into account the scattering positions have been used to correct the wind underestimation. These winds are compared to MST radar winds during PMSE, and an optimal combination of these methods for the Saura radar is presented. This combined wind data appears to be reliable; it shows reasonable amplitudes as well as tidal structures for the entire altitude region.

Renkwitz, T., Tsutsumi, M., Laskar, F. I., Chau, J. L., & Latteck, R. (2018, October). On the role of anisotropic MF/HF scattering in mesospheric wind estimation (Heidelberg : Springer). Heidelberg : Springer. https://doi.org//10.1186/s40623-018-0927-0
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