The Active Galactic Nuclei in the Hobby-Eberly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment Survey (HETDEX). III. A Red Quasar with Extremely High Equivalent Widths Showing Powerful Outflows


We report an active galactic nucleus (AGN) with an extremely high equivalent width (EW), EWLyα+N V,rest ≳921 Å, in the rest frame, at z ∼ 2.24 in the Hobby-Eberly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment Survey (HETDEX), as a representative case of the high-EW AGN population. The continuum level is a nondetection in the HETDEX spectrum; thus the measured EW is a lower limit. The source is detected with significant emission lines (>7σ) at Lyα + N v λ1241, C iv λ1549, and a moderate emission line (∼4σ) at He ii λ1640 within the wavelength coverage of HETDEX (3500-5500 Å). The r-band magnitude is 24.57 from the Hyper Suprime-Cam-HETDEX joint survey with a detection limit of r = 25.12 at 5σ. The Lyα emission line spans a clearly resolved region of ∼10″ (85 kpc) in diameter. The Lyα line profile is strongly double peaked. The spectral decomposed blue gas and red gas Lyα emission are separated by ∼1.″2 (10.1 kpc) with a line-of-sight velocity offset of ∼1100 km s−1. This source is probably an obscured AGN with powerful winds.

Liu, C., Gebhardt, K., Kollatschny, W., Ciardullo, R., Mentuch Cooper, E., Davis, D., et al. (2022). The Active Galactic Nuclei in the Hobby-Eberly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment Survey (HETDEX). III. A Red Quasar with Extremely High Equivalent Widths Showing Powerful Outflows (London : Institute of Physics Publ.). London : Institute of Physics Publ.
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