Approximation and optimal control of dissipative solutions to the Ericksen-Leslie system

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Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik

We analyze the EricksenLeslie system equipped with the OseenFrank energy in three space dimensions. Recently, the author introduced the concept of dissipative solutions. These solutions show several advantages in comparison to the earlier introduced measure-valued solutions. In this article, we argue that dissipative solutions can be numerically approximated by a relative simple scheme, which fulfills the norm-restriction on the director in every step. We introduce a semi-discrete scheme and derive an approximated version of the relative-energy inequality for solutions of this scheme. Passing to the limit in the semi-discretization, we attain dissipative solutions. Additionally, we introduce an optimal control scheme, show the existence of an optimal control and a possible approximation strategy. We prove that the cost functional is lower semi-continuous with respect to the convergence of this approximation and argue that an optimal control is attained in the case that there exists a solution admitting additional regularity.

Liquid crystal, Ericksen–Leslie equation, Weak-strong uniqueness, Dissipative Solutions, optimal control
Lasarzik, R. (2018). Approximation and optimal control of dissipative solutions to the Ericksen-Leslie system (Vol. 2535). Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik.
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