An iterative method for the multipliers of periodic delay-differential equations and the analysis of a PDE milling model

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Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik
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Locally convergent iterative schemes have turned out to be very useful in the analysis of the characteristic roots of delay-differential equations (DDEs) with constant coefficients. In this work we present a locally convergent iterative scheme for the characteristic multipliers of periodic-coefficient DDEs. The method is an adaption of an iterative method called residual inverse iteration. The possibility to use this method stems from an observation that the characteristic matrix can be expressed with the fundamental solution of a differential equation. We apply the method to a coupled milling model containing a partial and an ordinary differential equation. The conclusion of the numerical results is that the stability diagram of the coupled model differs significantly from the combined stability diagrams for each subsystem

Rott, O., & Jarlebring, E. (2009). An iterative method for the multipliers of periodic delay-differential equations and the analysis of a PDE milling model. Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik.
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