A new look on the two-dimensional Ising model: Thermal artificial spins


We present a direct experimental investigation of the thermal ordering in an artificial analogue of an asymmetric two-dimensional Ising system composed of a rectangular array of nano-fabricated magnetostatically interacting islands. During fabrication and below a critical thickness of the magnetic material the islands are thermally fluctuating and thus the system is able to explore its phase space. Above the critical thickness the islands freeze-in resulting in an arrested thermalized state for the array. Determining the magnetic state we demonstrate a genuine artificial two-dimensional Ising system which can be analyzed in the context of nearest neighbor interactions.

Arnalds, U. B., Chico, J., Stopfel, H., Kapaklis, V., Bärenbold, O., Verschuuren, M. A., et al. (2016). A new look on the two-dimensional Ising model: Thermal artificial spins (Milton Park : Taylor & Francis). Milton Park : Taylor & Francis. https://doi.org//10.1088/1367-2630/18/2/023008
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