A Knowledge Graph for Industry 4.0

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Lecture Notes in Computer Science
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Book Title
The Semantic Web
Cham : Springer

One of the most crucial tasks for today’s knowledge workers is to get and retain a thorough overview on the latest state of the art. Especially in dynamic and evolving domains, the amount of relevant sources is constantly increasing, updating and overruling previous methods and approaches. For instance, the digital transformation of manufacturing systems, called Industry 4.0, currently faces an overwhelming amount of standardization efforts and reference initiatives, resulting in a sophisticated information environment. We propose a structured dataset in the form of a semantically annotated knowledge graph for Industry 4.0 related standards, norms and reference frameworks. The graph provides a Linked Data-conform collection of annotated, classified reference guidelines supporting newcomers and experts alike in understanding how to implement Industry 4.0 systems. We illustrate the suitability of the graph for various use cases, its already existing applications, present the maintenance process and evaluate its quality.

Bader, S. R., Grangel-Gonzalez, I., Nanjappa, P., Vidal, M.-E., & Maleshkova, M. (2020). A Knowledge Graph for Industry 4.0 (Cham : Springer; A. Harth, S. Kirrane, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, H. Paulheim, A. Rula, A. L. Gentile, et al., eds.) [A. Harth, S. Kirrane, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, H. Paulheim, A. Rula, A. L. Gentile, et al., eds.]. Cham : Springer. https://doi.org//10.1007/978-3-030-49461-2_27
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