Terahertz absorption spectroscopy for measuring atomic oxygen densities in plasmas


This paper describes the first implementation of terahertz (THz) quantum cascade lasers for high-resolution absorption spectroscopy on plasmas. Absolute densities of ground state atomic oxygen were directly obtained by using the fine structure transition at approximately 4.75 THz. Measurements were performed on a low-pressure capacitively coupled radio frequency oxygen discharge. The detection limit in this arrangement was found to be 2 × 10 13 cm−3, while the measurement accuracy was within 5%, as demonstrated by reference measurements of a well-defined ammonia transition. The results show that the presented method is well suited to measure atomic oxygen densities, and it closes the THz gap for quantitative atomic density measurements in harsh environments such as plasmas.

absorption spectroscopy, atomic oxygen, quantum cascade lasers, terahertz
Wubs, J. R., Macherius, U., Weltmann, K.-D., Lü, X., Röben, B., Biermann, K., et al. (2023). Terahertz absorption spectroscopy for measuring atomic oxygen densities in plasmas. 32(2). https://doi.org//10.1088/1361-6595/acb815
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