Laser-driven ion acceleration using isolated mass-limited spheres


We report on our experiments on laser-driven ion acceleration using fully isolated mass-limited spheres with a diameter down to 8μm for the first time. Two-dimensional (2D) particle-in-cell (PIC) and hydro-code simulations were used to show that the pre-plasma at both the front and rear sides of the target strongly affect the efficiency of the ion acceleration. The mechanism of the plasma flow around mass-limited targets has not yet been identified for laser-driven ion acceleration. Our models indicate that this effect is the cause of the observed limitation to the ion-beam energy in both previous experiments and in our own. © IOP Publishing Ltd and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft.

Sokollik, T., Paasch-Colberg, T., Gorling, K., Eichmann, U., Schnürer, M., Steinke, S., et al. (2010). Laser-driven ion acceleration using isolated mass-limited spheres (College Park, MD : Institute of Physics Publishing). College Park, MD : Institute of Physics Publishing.
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