On decomposition of embedded prismatoids in $R^3$ without additional points

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Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik

This paper considers three-dimensional prismatoids which can be embedded in ℝ³ A subclass of this family are twisted prisms, which includes the family of non-triangulable Scönhardt polyhedra [12, 10]. We call a prismatoid decomposable if it can be cut into two smaller prismatoids (which have smaller volumes) without using additional points. Otherwise it is indecomposable. The indecomposable property implies the non-triangulable property of a prismatoid but not vice versa. In this paper we prove two basic facts about the decomposability of embedded prismatoid in ℝ³ with convex bases. Let P be such a prismatoid, call an edge interior edge of P if its both endpoints are vertices of P and its interior lies inside P. Our first result is a condition to characterise indecomposable twisted prisms. It states that a twisted prism is indecomposable without additional points if and only if it allows no interior edge. Our second result shows that any embedded prismatoid in ℝ³ with convex base polygons can be decomposed into the union of two sets (one of them may be empty): a set of tetrahedra and a set of indecomposable twisted prisms, such that all elements in these two sets have disjoint interiors.

Twisted prisms, twisted prismatoids, torus knots, indecomposable polyhedra, Steiner points, Schönhardt polyhedron, Rambau polyhedron
Si, H. (2019). On decomposition of embedded prismatoids in $R^3$ without additional points (Vol. 2602). Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik. https://doi.org//10.20347/WIAS.PREPRINT.2602
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