Time Optimization of Seed-Mediated Gold Nanotriangle Synthesis Based on Kinetic Studies
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The synthesis of shape-anisotropic plasmonic nanoparticles such as gold nanotriangles is of increasing interest. These particles have a high potential for applications due to their notable optical properties. A key challenge of the synthesis is usually the low reproducibility. Even the optimized seed-based methods often lack in the synthesis yield or are labor- and time-consuming. In this work, a seed-mediated synthesis with high reproducibility is replicated in order to determine the necessary reaction time for each step. Online monitoring of the reaction mixtures by UV–VIS spectroscopy is used as a powerful tool to track the evolution of the synthesis. The kinetics of the individual stages is elucidated by real-time investigations. As a consequence, the complete synthesis could be optimized and can now be realized in a single day instead of three without any loss in the resulting sample quality.